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Content on the Right hand sidebar on your WordPress sites are called “Widgets”. To access the widget area log in to your WordPress site and go to Appearance > Widgets.

There are quiet a few widgets listed here, they have descriptions under each letting you know which is which. Please do not add the Meta widget to your sites.

On the Right hand side you will see the “Widget Areas”.

  • Sidebar Area – This is the right sidebar
  • Sidebar Two Widget Area – This is the Left sidebar

Useful Widgets: (these are ones you will probably use most often)

  • Text – Text boxes can hold both Text and HTML code. This gives you the ability to add pictures, flash content, hyperlinks, and text all together in little text boxes on the right hand bar.
  • Pages – You can put links to pages from your site/sub-site using this widget.
  • Custom Menu – Any menus you create using the WordPress menu feature are stored here. You can put additional menus on the sidebar using this function.

Note: The Calendar widget is not as cool as it sounds. It’s a calendar of all your posts, not an actual event calendar for your site.