To set up your Gatorlink VPN in Windows 7:
- Click the icon that looks like cell bars next to your clock
- Select “Open Network and Sharing Center” from the bottom of the popup.
- Select “Set up a new connection or network”
- Select “Connect to a Workplace” and hit next
- Select “Use my Internet Connection (VPN)”
- In the Internet Address field enter: (note the first letter is an L “elle” not a 1 “one”)
- In the Destination Name enter “Gatorlink VPN” or whatever you like
- Check the box at the bottom that says “Don’t Connect Now” and hit Next
- Enter your Gatorlink Username and Password, Domain is UFAD
- The setup should finish. Now click the cell bars again next to the clock, you’ll see the Gatorlink VPN at the top of the popup.
- Right click the Gatorlink VPN and go to Properties.
- Click the Security Tab and click the Advanced Settings button
- Select “Use a preshared key” and type in the key found here.
- Hit OK until you are out of the VPN settings.
- Now to connect, click the cell bars, click the Gatorlink VPN
and hit Connect.