iPad 2 Setup:
- Go to www.itunes.com and click the blue “Download iTunes” button on the top right.
- Save the iTunes install file in My Documents, or somewhere you can easily find it.
- Run the iTunes installation.
- Once iTunes is installed, open iTunes.
- Click “Store” from the top menu bar, and select “Create Account…” and walk through the account setup. It will ask you for a credit card and one point during the installation. This credit card will be used for all apps you purchase in the future. Your card will not be charged during the setup. I also recommend unchecking all of the boxes during setup that ask if you would like to receive email updates, offers, etc.
- Once you are finished with the account set up, plug your iPad into your computer using the USB adapter provided and let it sync up. It will ask you to register, do so. I also recommend following the instructions for the “Find my iPad” account, it will help you track your iPad if it is lost or stolen.
To Setup UF Email:
- Click Settings on your iPad
- Click “Mail, Calendars, Accounts”
- Click Add New Account
- Click Microsoft Exchange
- Type if your Gatorlink username, password, and email address as prompted. The Domain is UFAD. Once you hit “Next” (top right) it will ask you for the Server name, enter “mail.ufl.edu” and hit Next again.
A few quick tips to get you started:
– Safari is the Apple web browser
– There are lots of free apps in the app store, search and try them
– There is a front and rear facing camera on the iPad 2. You can do video chats using the front facing camera on Face Time or Skype. There are currently no apps available that will let you join Polycom or Office Communicator video chat sessions.
– The Rear facing camera is higher resolution than the front facing camera.
– If you press and hold on any icon all the icons will start shaking. You can then drag and rearrange icons, or if you drag on to the left edge of the screen and wait, it will create a new page. You can also drag icons on top of one another in this mode to create “Groups” to group your Apps together. To exit this mode hit the home button on the bottom center of the iPad.
– Quickly double tapping the Home button on your iPad will open a task bar at the bottom which will allow you to quickly switch between your recently opened apps.
– Periodically hook your iPad up to your computer and open iTunes to check and see if there are any firmware updates for your iPad. Apple usually publishes updates every few months.
– Cellular Data Accounts are billed monthly and can be activated and cancelled at any time with no contract.