Authored by Ethan Carter & Julie McConnell

Florida Statute Chapter 482 Changes

July 1, 2024, marked the implementation of new Florida Statutes affecting pesticide applicators in the landscape industry. The full Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) memorandum can be accessed here

Below is a recap of major changes affecting pesticide applicators in the structural/landscape categories (please see memo above for all F.S. Chapter 482 changes):

  • Pest Control Operators – renewal date will be based on 1-year anniversary of issue date rather than date set by FDACS
  • Pest Control, Special ID Card for Fumigation, Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance, Limited Lawn & Ornamental, Limited Structural, and Limited Wildlife
    • licenses and certificates issued after July 1, 2024, will require reexamination to recertify IF not renewed by CEUs within 60 days of expiration date
    • false statements on applications, cheating on exams, or violated exam procedures are subject to disciplinary actions
  • Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance
    • 6-CEU pre-requisite for certification is eliminated
    • Products with no signal word can be used in addition to “caution” products with the caveat that “warning” or “danger” are not designated signal words on the product
    • Driveways, sidewalks, and patios added to plant bed application sites
    • Spray tank size removed (formerly 3-5 gal) but still excludes the use of power equipped sprayers and limited to portable handheld or backpack sprayers

Changes to Testing Sites

UF/IFAS Extension has historically been the primary pesticide exam administer on behalf of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), but that contract will be ending soon. There will be a three-phase transition from UF/IFAS offering exams to FDACS assuming these tasks over the next 18 months.

Phase I
Through December 30, 2024, paper (scantron) or online exams on designated pesticide exam laptops can be given by an approved exam administrator at a UF/IFAS Extension Office or Research & Education Center. Exams will be available as part of educational workshops, scheduled group exams, or by appointment.

EverBlue online exam proctoring will continue to be available for applicators who wish to take exams on their own equipment at their convenience for an additional fee. This service has been in place for several years and is still an option.

Phase II
As of December 31,2024 paper exams administered by UF/IFAS will no longer be an available option at County Extension Offices.

All exams will be administered electronically through the following two platforms from January 1, 2025, through September 30, 2025:

1) Designated pesticide laptops at select UF/IFAS Extension Offices by appointment only. Not all Extension Offices have this equipment available, so you must check with your local office and find out their testing schedule and capacity.

2) Testing with your own equipment using the private EverBlue platform (additional fees required).

Phase III
In October 2025, the UF/IFAS Extension pesticide testing computers will no longer be compatible with pesticide exam software. This option will be eliminated and applicators will need to schedule exams with private exam proctoring companies designated by FDACS.

FDACS is currently soliciting bids from professional testing services to provide both remote proctored exams (those you take at home) and physical test centers distributed throughout the state. The timing, availability, and provider of these services are to be determined by FDACS and their contractual team. As more information becomes available it will be shared.

In order to help stakeholders with this transition, the UF/IFAS Extension Panhandle Agriculture and Horticulture Teams will be teaching a greater number of fall pesticide exam prep classes than usual to allow applicators the opportunity to test by paper exam prior to their discontinuation in December 2024.

Some of these classes offer CEUs or testing same day and others do not – please consult the lists below for specifics.

 Exam Prep and Same Day Exams with CEUs

Exam Prep Class only (No CEUs – testing different day)


 Testing only (no class – any pesticide exam type)

  • September 26, 2024 –  Chipley pre-register by sending name and exam voucher number to Julie McConnell
  • October 30, 2024 –  Chipley pre-register by sending name and exam voucher number to Julie McConnell

Continuing Education (CEU) Classes (2 Core plus 2 LCLM, LLO, Commercial L&O, O&T, or Private Ag)

For more information, contact your local Extension Office.