Welcome Sons & Daughters Attendees!

Beach Shells



We are super excited to host you and your family this week in West Palm Beach, Florida for the NACAA 2022 Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference (AMPIC)! Our Sons & Daughters Team has put together some unique and exciting activities to make your stay in Florida extra special. At the start of the conference, we wanted to provide some basic information that you will need for planning for the Sons & Daughters events.

  • We have set up a communications system through Remind App to provide updates or other important reminders through the conference. The instructions for signing up through Remind app were in previous correspondence with attendees.
  • There will be an Orientation for Sons & Daughters attendees that I would urge everyone to attend. This will be Sunday, July 17th, at 6:00pm in the Hilton Hotel Oceana A. We will be going over the agenda for each day, items needed for each activity, and other important information. Each participant will also get a SWAG bag loaded with goodies.
  • Lastly, we want to thank you for making the trip and spending your week with us! Please let us know if there are any questions you might have.

Your Son’s and Daughter Leadership Team:

Sonja Crawford – Chair

Collen Larson – Co-Chair

Luke Harlow – Co-Chair

Tycee Prevett – Co-Chair