Do you reach for the can of bug spray at the first sight of a pest? Many people do, but did you know there are other less toxic methods for controlling ants, cockroaches, and other vermin in and around your home? Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is an approach that uses a variety of strategies to discourage the development of pest populations and to reduce pesticide use. These strategies are not difficult or expensive and promote a cleaner, healthier environment.

Install door sweeps on the inside of exterior doors to keep insects out.
Photo Credit: Judy Corbus


  • Check grocery bags, book bags, and lunch containers for cockroaches before bringing them in your home.
  • Cockroaches LOVE cardboard boxes and paper bags. Dispose of unnecessary boxes and bags immediately to eliminate breeding areas. Transfer items for storage to plastic totes with snap-on lids.
  •  Repair or replace torn window and door screens to keep ants, cockroaches, and mosquitoes from entering your home.
  • Apply weather stripping around exterior door frames. Cockroaches can enter through an opening the thickness of a dime so small gaps around your doors are all they need to come in. If your door frame peeks light, your home is not tight!
  • Install door sweeps on exterior doors to make it harder for ants and cockroaches to enter. Make sure the sweep brushes the floor to keep insects out.
  • Ants and cockroaches often enter a home looking for water, especially during dry spells. Seal gaps and openings around pipes with expanding spray foam to eliminate these entry points.
  • Regularly empty standing water in flowerpots, tires, outside toys, and other containers to cut down on mosquito larvae.


  • Wash dishes immediately after use.
  • Wipe counter tops regularly, especially after food preparation.
  • Keep small and large appliances clean and free of crumbs and other debris. Don’t forget to clean around them, too.
  • Store food in sealed packages or containers or in the refrigerator.
  • Close garbage container lids, empty garbage regularly, and keep the container and area clean.

Chemical control
Baits are most highly recommended because of their effectiveness and targeted application, while decreasing unnecessary pesticide exposure. They come in granular forms, in plastic stations, or in large syringes for gel application and in formulas targeted specifically for ants or cockroaches.

  • Apply granular formulations outside in plants and mulched areas.
  • Use bait stations around corners where you suspect cockroaches or ants are hiding or entering your home.
  • Apply gel baits in cracks and crevices around windows, doors, behind the range, and any other suspected harborage areas.
  • Pest control operators have other baits in different forms that also provide long-lasting control.

Simple, everyday habits can go a long way toward eliminating an inviting environment for pests.

For more information about pest management, check out these resources or contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Office:

Cockroaches and Their Management


Pantry and Stored Food Pests

Rat and Mouse Control

Urban Pests and Pest Management

Using Pesticides Safely In and Around the Southern Home

Source: Cockroaches and Their Management

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Judy Corbus
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