Super Summer Snacking


Super Summer Snacking

Super Summer Snacking

Can you believe that the kids are almost out of school for the summer? With kids in the house all summer, get ready for those constant snack attacks, followed by “mom (or dad)…there’s nothing good to eat.”

Just because its summer break doesn’t mean we should take a vacation from healthy eating. Having easy and nutritious snacks on hand is important for keeping those growing appetites in check. recommends using snacks to help children get the nutrients they need to grow and maintain a healthy weight, but to limit sweets and sugary beverages to reduce excess calories that could lead to an unhealthy weight.

Follow these great ideas for snacks that are sure to please this summer:

  • Save time by slicing veggies. Store veggies in the refrigerator and have tasty dips ready-to-go, such as hummus or low-fat dips (or even yogurt or peanut butter).
  • Mix it up. For older kids, mix dried fruit with unsalted nuts and popcorn to make a great homemade trail mix. Also try blending low-fat yogurt with 100% fruit juice and frozen fruit for a refreshing and nutritious smoothie.
  • Fruits are quick and easy. Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruits can be easy options that need little preparation.
  • Nibble on lean protein. Choose foods such as low-sodium deli meats and cheeses, unsalted nuts, or eggs. Try pairing deli meat with apple wedges in a whole wheat tortilla wrap.

Check out Snack Tips for Parents at for more great ideas and the 10 Tips Nutrition Education Series from for tips on a wide variety of nutrition and healthy lifestyle topics.

Amy Mullins is a Registered Dietitian and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent II with UF/IFAS Leon County Extension. If you have additional questions about nutrition, contact Amy at

Busy People Need to Eat Healthy, Too!

Prepare a shopping list

It seems that we are rushing here and there, doing things at the speed of light. We may find ourselves consumed by work, meetings, school, sports practice for the kids… an endless list of things to keep us active, stressed, and often frantic.

Life has become so busy that we often forget to take care of ourselves, which can dramatically increase the risk of preventable chronic diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type-2 diabetes accounted for over 26% of deaths in the United States in 2013. Chronic stress, combined with poor planning, can likely lead to unhealthy exercise and eating habits for yourself and your family.

Planning ahead is critical in side-stepping the impacts of poor nutrition and obesity-related chronic diseases.

Follow these simple tips:

  • Plan meals (including brown-bag lunches and snacks) you and your family like that include lean protein, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Save time and money by making a grocery list before going to the store.
  • Be a master planner! Save your weekly meal plans and grocery lists to use again another week.
  • Avoid take-out and make foods that you can bring to work the next day for lunch.
  • Avoid the vending machine and bring snacks to work like nuts, fresh or dried fruit, or whole-grain crackers and hummus.
  • Don’t forget to eat breakfast! A quick bowl of cereal with low-fat milk and a small cup of orange juice can help you make it to lunchtime.
  • Carry a tumbler! Fill up on water all day, anywhere and everywhere, to keep you hydrated and help you to avoid sugary drinks and sodas.

Make sure to plan time each day to be active. Taking short walks and stretching at your desk can make a world of difference in your health and attitude. For additional information on healthy eating, please visit and


Nutrition Program Encourages Healthy, Budget-Friendly Family Meals

Parents and guardians across America work hard everyday to put food in the mouths of their families.  We all have to make choices in the foods we eat and provide for our children.  This process of planning, shopping, and preparing healthy meals is challenging, but especially for those that have limited income and resources.  These families that struggle for food security put themselves at risk for a host of nutrition-related chronic diseases including obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.


EFNEP teaches families how to shop for healthy foods, plan and cook meals, save money on food purchases, and incorporate physical activity into their lives.

Over 26% of Leon County’s population is living below the poverty level, which is much higher than the 16.5% of Florida’s total population.  In addition, a relationship between income level and overweight status has been established.  Of the adults in our county that make less than $25,000 per year, over 70% of them are overweight or obese.  These are scary statistics that bring the problems of poor nutrition and limited-income to light.

Having access to nutritious food is a good first step toward putting healthy meals on the family’s table.  Surprisingly, only 77% of eligible Floridians in 2010 asked for and received assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  Sadly, it seems that a very large number of eligible Floridians are not getting the help that they need to feed their families.

How can parents and caregivers make the most of their food budget and make healthier choices when planning, shopping, and preparing meals?  This is where nutrition education can play a key role to ultimately improve the diet and health of the total family.  The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is offered in over 10 counties in Florida, including Leon County, and is designed to empower families to practice and adopt positive nutrition and lifestyle behaviors.  Classes are free and consist of a series of 8 interactive lessons that teach adult participants how to shop for healthy foods, plan and cook meals, save money on food purchases, and incorporate physical activity into their lives.

Classes are offered throughout the county at various community sites.  If you are interested in starting a class with your group, church, or worksite, or to find out more information about EFNEP, contact Amy Mullins, Registered Dietitian and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent at UF IFAS Leon County Extension, or 850-606-5203.  Learn more about SNAP eligibility and benefits by visiting

EFNEP logo


Type-2 Diabetes: Are YOU at Risk?

With healthy lifestyle changes, many people with pre-diabetes can restore their blood glucose to normal levels.

With healthy lifestyle changes, many people with pre-diabetes can restore their blood glucose to normal levels.

Chances are, most of us have a friend or family member who is diabetic.  Type-2 diabetes develops when the body is unable to use the hormone insulin properly, causing blood glucose to stay high after eating (hyperglycemia).  If left untreated, hyperglycemia can cause serious complications such as heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease, nervous system disease and even amputations and blindness.  The American Diabetes Association reports that diabetes is responsible for more deaths in the U.S.  per year than breast cancer and AIDS combined.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), almost 26 million Americans already have diabetes and another 79 million (35% of our population) have a condition known as pre-diabetes.  Pre-diabetes is a condition where blood glucose levels are not quite high enough to be diabetic, but are definitely at a level to cause concern.  It is reported that 15% to 30% of people with pre-diabetes will likely develop type 2 diabetes within five years.

So, what is behind this diabetes epidemic?  It turns out that the increase in diabetes and pre-diabetes cases mirrors the increased number of overweight and obese Americans.  The CDC reports that 80% to 90% of people with type-2 diabetes are also considered overweight or obese.

The good news is that with healthy lifestyle changes, many people with pre-diabetes can restore their blood glucose to normal levels.  A 3-year diabetes prevention study of over 3,000 subjects, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), demonstrated the power of maintained weight loss in lowering the risk for type-2 diabetes.  Participants that adopted healthy eating habits (like reduction of dietary fat) and increased physical activity (150 minutes minimum equivalent to brisk walking) were able to reduce their body weight by 7%.  This modest, and sustained, weight reduction significantly improved the body’s ability to use insulin and process glucose, lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Often, people with pre-diabetes do not show any symptoms and may not even know there is cause for concern.  The American Diabetes Association recommends that if you are overweight (BMI>25) with one or more of the following risk factors you should be tested by your health care provider:

  • Older than age 45
  • Physically inactive
  • A parent, brother, or sister with diabetes
  • African American, Alaska Native, American Indian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander
  • History of gestational diabetes or had >9 lb. baby
  • High blood pressure (140/90 or higher)
  • HDL cholesterol <35mg/dL or triglycerides >250mg/dL
  • History of polycystic ovary syndrome
  • History of cardiovascular disease

If you are pre-diabetic, making wise lifestyle changes can drastically improve your health and delay or prevent type-2 diabetes.  Remember to talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or exercise patterns.  Consider these tips to improve your weight management:

  • Eat less fat, especially saturated and trans fats (fatty meats, whole milk and dairy products, processed bakery items, margarine, fried foods)
  • Eat more whole grains and beans to increase your fiber
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (fresh is best, but frozen or canned count too)
  • Reduce processed foods with added sugars and sodium
  • Keep an eye on portions to reduce your volume or calories (and fat!)
  • Eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day instead of eating large meals
  • Stop eating when you feel satisfied
  • Drink water throughout the day!
  • Get up and be active!  Start a walking program slowly, then pick up the pace

If you want to learn more about preventing and managing pre-diabetes, visit

If you don’t know what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is, check out the CDC BMI Calculator

Interested in Healthy Meal Planning and Cooking with Diabetes?  Sign up for a 2-hour workshop offered on the following dates:

October 9th        6:00 pm at the Leon County Extension Office (call 850-606-5200 to register)

October 14th    6:00 pm at the Wakulla County Extension Office (call 850-926-3931 to register)

October 29th    6:00 pm at the Liberty County Extension Office (call 850-643-2229 to register)

Nov. 12th         6:00 pm at the Jefferson County Extension Office (call 850-342-0187 to register)




Be a Smart Picnicker This Summer

Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold to reduce the risk of foodborne illness, especially in hot weather.

Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold to reduce the risk of foodborne illness, especially in hot weather.

It’s time for all the fun things that summer brings, like picnics, potlucks, and outdoor gatherings.  These are ways we all enjoy celebrating the summer sunshine with friends and family.  As things heat up outside, don’t forget the basic rules of food safety to protect yourself and others from foodborne illness.

When transporting, preparing, and serving food outdoors, there are many critical things to consider.  First, keep your hands clean.  If soap and running water are not available, be prepared with disposable antibacterial wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Use it often and keep it available for everyone at your event.

Be sure to use an insulated cooler with plenty of frozen gel packs and ice for all foods that require refrigeration. Perishable foods, such as potato salads, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and cheese, should be stored at 40 degrees or less to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.  Pack your cooler accordingly to prevent cross-contamination, securely wrapping and separating raw and ready-to-eat foods, putting raw foods on the bottom.  Consider using a separate cooler for juice boxes, soda cans, and water bottles.  This will help protect food items from the heat when guests are frequently opening and closing the cooler for drinks.

Cold foods should be kept in the cooler as long as possible before being taken out to serve.  Once outside of the cooler, these foods should not set out any longer than 2 hours.  If it is really warm (over 90 degrees), one hour should be the limit.   Foods that are in the Danger Zone, which is in the range of 40-140 degrees F, for more than this length of time, will start to grow dangerous levels of bacteria.  It’s a good idea to serve foods such as potato salad, cut fruit and vegetables, as well as dips and cheeses, in shallow dishes directly in contact with ice.  This will help suppress the bacterial growth while it is out of the cooler.

Grilled meats and other hot foods should be kept at a minimum of 140 degrees until served.  If prepared prior to the outdoor gathering, wrap foods in foil to retain heat and use a separate insulated cooler just for hot foods.  These foods also should not sit out for more than one to two hours.  Consider using Sterno cans to keep food hot in covered aluminum pans or chafing dishes.  Always use a food thermometer to be sure meats are cooked to the proper minimum temperature (160 degrees F for burgers and 165 degrees F for chicken) before storing or serving.  For additional information, check out or