Make this Holiday Season a Healthy One!

From Halloween to the New Year, most people struggle to control their eating.  The average American gains about one pound during the holiday season.  Some gain even more.  While this is less than the holiday weight gain amounts that get widely reported, most people never lose this excess weight so the pounds accumulate, resulting in obesity or overweight.

The 2010 USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest reducing fat, sodium, and added sugar.  Simple substitutions can make your traditional holiday recipes lower in fat and calories without losing the taste.  With a little bit of planning and modification, you can create a healthier version of many holiday foods and recipes.

A recipe is actually a chemical formula and each ingredient has a function that results in the taste, texture, and appearance of the end product. It’s important to know what each ingredient does, how it can be changed, and by how much in order to keep the final product as close to the original as possible.

Research has shown that when more fiber is added, when fat and cholesterol is reduced, and/or when less sugar and salt are used, most people either don’t notice much difference between the original and healthier version or they accept the new product. So try out some of the suggestions below to makeover your favorite recipes.  Don’t tell anyone you changed it to see if they notice.  Contact the UF/IFAS Extension office in your county for more information.

To decrease fat and calories:

Instead of this: Try this:
Shortening, butter, margarine Use ¼ less.  Replace melted butter or margarine with equal amounts of liquid oil.  When baking, replace half of the butter, shortening, or oil with applesauce or prune puree (may reduce baking time by 25%).
Full fat sour cream, cottage cheese, Ricotta cheese or cream cheese Use non-fat or low-fat varieties.  Use part-skim Ricotta cheese.
Eggs Use egg whites (usually 2 egg whites for every egg) or use ¼ cup egg substitute.

To decrease sugar:

Instead of this: Try this:
Sugar Reduce sugar by ¼ to ⅓ in baked goods and desserts.  Add cinnamon, vanilla, or almond extract for flavoring.  Do not remove sugar in yeast breads.  Experiment with artificial sweeteners.
Syrup Use pureed fruit, such as no-sugar-added applesauce, or sugar-free syrup

To decrease sodium:

Instead of this: Try this:
Salt Omit salt or reduce salt by ½ in most recipes (except in products with yeast)
Seasoning salt or spice mixes with salt Buy salt-free seasonings.  Catsup, chili sauce, chili powder, bouillon cubes, barbecue sauce, soy sauce, meat tenderizers, and Worcestershire sauce are high in sodium.  Use herbs, spices, lemon juice, or vinegar instead.

Source:  “Modifying a Recipe to be Healthier”  The Ohio State University Extension

I’m Home and I’m Starving!

Those are familiar words for most of us with kids.  Though they are not really starving, most children do need a little afternoon boost when they come home from school.  It may have been hours since lunch and dinner won’t be ready for a while.  A healthy snack is usually just the right answer.

When planning afterschool snacks, think of them as the fourth meal of the day or as a mini-meal.  Hopefully, you wouldn’t plan a dinner of just potato chips or candy, so why plan snacks that way?  Use the food groups from MyPlate to help you plan healthy, ready-to-eat snacks from each food group.

  • Fruit – Have a bowl of fruit on the counter always at the ready.  Keep a pre-cut fruit salad or peeled oranges in the refrigerator.  Make 100% fruit juice popsicles.
  • Vegetables – Keep cut up veggies available in plastic zippered bags with kid-friendly dips like ranch dressing to go with them.
  • Protein – A variety of nuts and seeds is always good to have on hand.  Hard boiled eggs offer great protein power as well.
  • Dairy – String cheese and yogurt cups are terrific dairy sources.
  • Whole Grains – Whole grain crackers, popcorn, and granola mix add plenty of crunch.

Easy” and “available” are the key planning points to remember.  Designate a snack area in the refrigerator or pantry.  Decorate a personalized snack box for each child filled with favorite healthy snacks.  A healthy variety of snacks always at the ready holds our child’s interest, provides the much needed energy to close the gap between lunch and dinner, provides nutrients they may not have gotten from other meals in the day, and keeps them from … well, starving.

Something Fishy

Something Fishy

This may sound like a fish story, but it’s true!  People are eating more fish and shellfish than ever before!  While seafood has always been popular in the South as a whole, no area is more graciously endowed with an abundance of fresh seafood products than the northern Gulf Coast.  The warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico abound with many delicious saltwater fish, as well as a plentiful supply of shrimp, crabs, scallops, and oysters.

Fish and shellfish have become an even more important part of the diet as people turn to more healthful eating. People are choosing fish and shellfish more for several other reasons as well—it is economical, high in nutritive value, quick and easy to prepare, versatile, and, best of all, seafood is great-tasting.

Buying seafood can be a daunting process because of the huge variety of market forms available, yet with general guidelines you can easily learn to recognize quality and freshness.

Always purchase your fish and shellfish from a reliable dealer who will stake his reputation on the quality and freshness of his merchandise.  Seafood is a highly perishable commodity, and therefore should be purchased as near to the time of preparation as possible, and as close to the time the catch was made, if that information is available.

When buying fish, look for bright, clear, bulging eyes; reddish or pink gills; tight, shiny scales; firm, elastic flesh that springs back when pressed; and a pleasant salt-water-like odor.  Fresh shrimp should be slightly green in color and firm to the touch.  Shucked oysters should be plump with no evidence of shrinkage.  The liquid in which oysters are packed should be clean, fresh, and sweet-smelling.  Scallops are usually sold shucked.  Select scallops that are cream-colored rather than white.

Fish and shellfish are best if cooked the day of purchase, but can be stored no more than two days in the coldest part of the refrigerator, preferably on ice.  Frozen fish and shellfish should be kept solidly frozen until ready to thaw.  Frozen seafood will remain fresh for four to six months.   Cook seafood immediately upon thawing.  Never refreeze seafood.

Most fish and shellfish can be cooked using a variety of methods. Seafood can be broiled, grilled, deep-fried, poached, steamed, baked, panfried, and sautéed.  Particular care must be taken not to overcook seafood.

Many seafood aficionados/enthusiasts prefer flavoring their dishes with only small amounts of salt, pepper, and occasionally lemon, yet the delicate taste of seafood blends exceptionally well with a variety of herbs, spices and seeds, as long as those seasonings are used sparingly so as not to overwhelm the flavor of the seafood.

So the next time you are in the neighborhood of your favorite seafood market, stop in.  Remember that fish and shellfish from the Gulf are nutritious, economical, quick and easy to prepare, and taste great.  And that’s no fish story!



1 pound shrimp, cooked, peeled, and deveined

¼ cup margarine

1 onion, thinly sliced

1 bell pepper, diced

1 (8¼-ounce) can pineapple chunks

½ cup white vinegar

¼ cup white sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 tablespoon soy sauce

½ teaspoon dry mustard

1 teaspoon pepper

¼ teaspoon salt


Cut shrimp into bite-sized pieces.  Heat electric wok to 350°F and melt margarine; cook onions and bell peppers until they are crisp-tender.

Drain pineapple, reserving syrup for sauce.  In a large bowl blend together pineapple syrup, vinegar, sugar, cornstarch, soy sauce, dry mustard, pepper, and salt.  Mix well.  (Note:  a whisk will aid in thoroughly blending ingredients.)

Stir sauce into sautéing onion and bell pepper; cook until sauce thickens.  Gently stir in pineapple chunks and shrimp.  Heat until pineapple and shrimp are hot.  Serve over hot rice.

Author:  Dorothy C. Lee, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, UF/IFAS Escambia County Extension

Totally Tasty Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable in backyard gardens.  With each plant capable of producing 8-10 pounds of fruit or more, good gardeners may have more tomatoes than they can eat.  If you lack a green thumb, tomatoes are easy to find at farmers markets, roadside stands, and even grocery stores.

Botanically, the tomato is a fruit but in 1893 the U.S. Supreme Court declared the tomato a vegetable because of a tariff dispute.  Nutritionally, tomatoes are low in calories and fat and high in vitamin C and potassium.  They are good source of vitamin A in the form of beta carotene.  Tomatoes are also high in the antioxidant, lycopene.  Research has shown that lycopene may reduce the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer.  Lycopene is more easily absorbed from cooked tomato products. Eighty percent of the lycopene in the American diet comes from tomato products.

There is nothing tastier than a freshly picked tomato.  Choose tomatoes that are firm, fragrant, and brightly colored.  Avoid bruised tomatoes that are too soft or too hard.  Store tomatoes at room temperature, and only refrigerate tomatoes to keep them longer.  Fresh tomatoes are good in salads, on sandwiches, or tossed on scrambled eggs, nachos, or in other common dishes like macaroni and cheese.

Tomatoes are easy to preserve by freezing, drying, or canning.


Frozen tomatoes are mushy when thawed but can be used in soups and casseroles. Wash and dip tomatoes in boiling water for 30 seconds to loosen skins.  Core and peel.  Freeze whole or in pieces.  Pack in freezer containers, jars, or packaging, leaving 1- inch headspace.

Cooked Puree. Wash, peel, core, and cut tomatoes. Cook until soft. Press through food mill or sieve. Cool and pack into freezer jars or containers. Concentrate the puree by boiling until amount is reduced in half.

Juice. Wash, core, peel, and cut tomatoes. Simmer about 5 minutes; put through a sieve or food mill. Cool and pack as above.


Small cherry tomatoes or tomatoes with a high solid content, such as Romas, work best for drying. Dried tomatoes are good in soups, stews, sauces, and salads. Tomato leather can be eaten as is, added to soups for flavor, or a little water can be added to the leather to make a savory tomato sauce.  Steam tomatoes for 3 minutes or dip tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute to loosen skins. Chill in cold water; slip skins off. Cut into sections about 1/2 inch wide or slices; cut small tomatoes in half.  Dry tomatoes in a food dehydrator for approximately10-18 hours (length of time depends on initial moisture content).  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.


Tomatoes are a low-acid food and must be canned carefully to avoid the risk of botulism. To acidify tomatoes, add 1 tablespoon bottled lemon juice, 1/4 teaspoon citric acid, OR 2 tablespoons vinegar  per pint jar.  For quarts, add 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon citric acid, OR 4 tablespoons vinegar per jar.  The acid can be added directly to each jar before filling with the product.  Add a little sugar to offset any strong acid taste.  Tomatoes can be processed using a boiling water bath or a pressure canner.  Use only tested recipes and current canning recommendations from the National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Whole or halved raw tomatoes packed in water:

Add two tablespoons bottled lemon juice to each clean quart jar and fill with peeled, raw whole or halved tomatoes.  Cover tomatoes in jar with hot water leaving ½ inch headspace.  Wipe off jar rim.  Adjust pretreated lids and screw ring onto jar, finger tight.  Process quarts for 45 minutes in a boiling water bath.  If you use a dial-gauge pressure canner, process for 10 minutes at 11 pounds pressure   With a weighted gauge canner, process 10 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.


Fresh Garden Salsa

The ingredients can be finely diced or use a medium chopped consistency for chunky salsa. Serve with tortilla chips or use as a side dish with grilled meat or anywhere you want a bright, tart, savory accompaniment.

2 large ripe, red slicing tomatoes, cored and chopped
1 small white onion, chopped
1 green onion, top included, chopped
1 to 3 jalapeno peppers, finely chopped
1/4 cup cilantro leaves, minced
Juice of lime
teaspoon salt

1. Using a serrated knife, chop tomatoes. If using plum tomatoes, add 2 tablespoons water.

2. In a medium bowl, toss together the tomatoes, onions, peppers, and cilantro. Squeeze lime juice over the mixture and sprinkle on the salt. Allow to rest 30 minutes before serving to allow salt to draw juice from the tomatoes. Stir again just before serving. Makes about 2 cups.

For more information about growing or preserving tomatoes or other produce, contact the UF/IFAS Leon County Extension office at 850-606-5200, or your local Extension office.

Author:  Kendra Zamojski, County Extension Director and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, UF/IFAS Leon County Extension

Cool Off with a Cold Glass of Milk

A cold glass of milk on a hot summer day offers more than just cool refreshment. Who knew one eight-ounce glass of milk provides:

  • Calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth.
  • Riboflavin and vitamin B-12 for a healthy nervous system.
  • Niacin for normal enzyme functioning.
  • High-quality protein for lean muscle.
  • Potassium for maintaining normal blood pressure and nerve and muscle functions.
  • Vitamin A for good vision, healthy skin, and a strong immune system.


Dairy foods offer a lot of nutrition in a small package. The Dairy Group includes all liquid milk and products made with milk that retain their calcium after processing; this includes yogurt and cheese. Cream cheese, cream, and butter are not included since processing causes them to lose or reduce their calcium content, and they are high in fat and low in nutrients.

MyPlate ( recommends consuming two to three cups of milk or milk products every day depending on age, sex, and level of physical activity. What counts as “one cup” of dairy foods?  One cup of milk, one cup of yogurt, 1 1/2 ounces ( two slices) of hard cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss, parmesan), two ounces (three slices) processed cheese (American), one cup of pudding made with milk, or 1 1/2 cups of ice cream.

Fat-free (skim) or low-fat (one percent) milk has the same nutritional value as whole or reduced-fat milk but without the saturated fat. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends:

  • Infants should drink breast milk or iron-fortified formula during their first year of life.
  • Children between 1 and 2 years should drink whole milk. They do not need to limit fat, as it is needed for growth and energy.
  • Children older than 2 years should drink fat-free or low-fat milk.

To add dairy foods to your meals:

  • Use milk to prepare cream soups.
  • Add cheese in salads, pizza, casseroles, soups, and stews.
  • Use milk to prepare hot cereals.
  • Use milk in your hot beverages such as lattes, cappuccinos, and teas.
  • Have yogurt or cheese sticks for a calcium-rich snack.
  • Use yogurt as a dressing for salads, as a topping for a baked potato, or try it mixed with fruit.
  • As desserts, try low-fat ice cream, frozen yogurt, and pudding made with milk.

Lactose-intolerant individuals lack the enzyme, lactase, to digest lactose, or milk sugar. To get the necessary calcium, choose cheese, yogurt, or lactose-free alternatives. These foods also are good sources of calcium:  calcium-fortified beverages, such as orange juice; canned fish (sardines, salmon with bones); soybeans and soy products; and leafy greens such as collard, turnip greens, kale, and bok choy.

Sources:  Claudia Penuela, Healthy Dairy Choices for MyPlate,


Author:  Judy Corbus, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, UF/IFAS Extension – Washington and Holmes Counties


Boosters Are For Big Kids

A booster seat “boosts” a child up for proper placement of the lap and shoulder belt on the lower hips/upper thighs and shoulder/collar bone.

Piper is 7 years old.  She goes to school, plays with dolls, and loves to visit friends.  Piper’s career goal is to take over the world through “flower power”.  When Piper travels, she sits in a booster seat that makes her seat belt fit perfectly.  In a crash, Piper’s seat belt will keep her in the car and distribute crash forces across the strongest parts of her body.  Piper’s mom makes sure she travels safely on every trip, so that Piper can confidently pursue her plans for world dominion.

Unfortunately, Piper and her mom are the exception.  Many children in elementary school need to sit in booster seats but don’t.  Following the law is not enough, especially for children in Florida.  Only in Florida can a 4-year-old child legally use an adult seat belt.

In a crash, poor seat belt fit can lead to serious internal injury or even death.  Children who have outgrown their 5 point harness car seat by weight or height should use a booster seat until they reach approximately 4’9”, typically between the ages of 8-12.  Many parents/caregivers skip this very important step and start using a seat belt much too soon, never realizing the danger in which they’re putting their child.

A booster seat “boosts” a child up for proper placement of the lap and shoulder belt on the lower hips/upper thighs and shoulder/collar bone.  Without a booster, seat belts often cross over a child’s soft stomach and neck, which can lead to debilitating injuries such as a ruptured spleen, torn intestines, internal bleeding, or paralysis.

Booster seats keep children out of the hospital, saving heartache, worry and medical expenses.  A $15 booster seat for a child age 4-7 yields an average savings of $2,500 per child.  “Big kids” like Piper deserve to be kept safe when they travel, and booster seats help make that happen.  Is your child riding safely in the car?

For more information or assistance with child passenger safety please contact Ginny Hinton at the Santa Rosa County UF/IFAS Extension Office: or 850-623-3868.

(NHTSA &  Partners for Child Passenger Safety (PCPS), **(Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (2010 update, ‘Injury Prevention: What works?’  Special Thanks to Tamyne Maxson, Child Passenger Safety Community Coordinator, St. Joseph’s Child Advocacy Center, Tampa, FL