Living Well in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension

The Wonders of Watermelon

Oh, watermelon.  How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways. Watermelon is the perfect warm weather treat and a summer holiday essential.  It’s a sweet, light, and delicious snack and its versatility lends itself to a wide variety of beverages, salads, meals, and...

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Essentials of Water Safety

Essentials of Water Safety

Summer is upon us and that means many of us will be enjoying pools, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. Florida provides many opportunities for outdoor water recreation that we should enjoy responsibly and safely. Are you prepared to handle a water emergency? Do you have...

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Staying Healthy At Summer Camp

Staying Healthy At Summer Camp - 7 Keys to a Healthy Camp Counselor Experience It’s getting hot outside and that means summer camps are heating up! Being a camp counselor is a fun summer job and it’s a great way to learn leadership skills. As a camp counselor, it is...

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