Living Well in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension

Organisms That Can Bug You

“It must be something I ate” often is the explanation people give for a bout of home-grown “Montezuma’s Revenge” or some other unwelcome gastrointestinal upset. Despite the fact that America’s food supply is the safest in the world, the unappetizing truth is that what...

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Eat More … Veggies

Eat more vegetables for your health Vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.  When included as part of a well-balanced diet and a healthy active lifestyle, vegetables can help:  lower your cholesterol, reduce obesity and maintain a healthy...

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Be a Smart Picnicker This Summer

It’s time for all the fun things that summer brings, like picnics, potlucks, and outdoor gatherings.  These are ways we all enjoy celebrating the summer sunshine with friends and family.  As things heat up outside, don’t forget the basic rules of food safety to...

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Fruit Frenzy

As the days get warmer, bring on the cool refreshment of fruit.  Now is the time to delight in fruit’s tasty, healthy goodness. Reduce Risk and Protect A healthy diet that is rich in fruits may reduce risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, and may...

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Experiment When Cooking with Herbs

Many novice cooks fret about what herbs to add to a recipe, when to add them and how much to add.  There are no rules when cooking with herbs! The fun of livening up recipes with herbs is in the experimenting. For those who want more guidance, a guide is included...

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Artisan Bread in Five Minutes

One of the most comforting memories of childhood has to be the smell of homemade yeast bread wafting throughout the house!  Baking yeast bread, like many other kitchen traditions is making a comeback.  Bread is a wonderful source of carbohydrades, especially if the...

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