Every year, King Arthur Baking Company hosts baking contests in every corner of the country at county, regional, and state fairs.  The North Florida Fair is no exception – King Arthur Baking Company is hosting a baking contest with cool prizes. 

The name King Arthur stands for attributes of purity, loyalty, honesty, superior strength, and a dedication to a higher purpose (yes, the Arthurian legend, King Arthur). For over two centuries, King Arthur Flour has been providing baker’s flour. In 1790, King Arthur Flour began importing flour to Boston from Britain. King Arthur Flour has gone from using imported wheat to using USA-grown wheat – flour that, two centuries ago, was sold in wooden barrels to flour sold in pre-weighed bags at retail stores.

In 1996, to ensure King Arthur Flour would remain in good and caring hands after their retirement, owners Frank and Brinna Sands decided to sell the company to its employees. The original tenets of King Arthur flour are still intact… although the name of the company has been changed to King Arthur Baking Company, now selling dozens of flours along with baking supplies and equipment. The logo changed a bit too, but the flour remains a favorite of bakers everywhere.

The North Florida Fair (and King Arthur Baking Company) encourages bakers of all levels to enter the King Arthur portion of the baking contests using King Arthur flour and a recipe from King Arthur Baking Company. 

Banana bread is a tasty way to use overripe bananas.

Banana bread has been in the American recipe rolodex for nearly a century. Banana bread was originally promoted to encourage the use of chemical leaveners, baking powder and baking soda, and to use precious food, old bananas.

The quick bread recipe chosen for the North Florida Fair is not only easy to bake but is nutritious and delicious as well as planet-forward. Using VERY ripe bananas and ingredients mostly on hand is an undertaking in being sustainable. Those errant, aging bananas that more often than not get tossed in the composting bin can be used in this banana bread. In fact, the older, the better! Your wayward bananas can be frozen, thawed, and used in this banana bread.

Quick breads are easy. The King Arthur Banana Bread recipe only uses one bowl, and a few other measuring and stirring tools, plus flour, sugar, leaveners, and a few flavorings that are typical in most homes. 

Show off your skills at the King Arthur Baking Contest! There are generous prizes for youth and adults.

DEPARTMENT 520 – BAKED GOODS – North Florida Fair – See CLASS 31 KING ARTHUR FLOUR at the bottom of the Baked Goods page for complete rules and recipe

2022 King Arthur Bread Company Baking Contest Prizes

Adult Prizes:

  • First place $75 gift card
  • Second place $50 gift card
  • Third place $25 gift card

Youth Prizes:

  • First place $40 gift card
  • Second place $25 gift card
  • Third place King Arthur Tote Bag

Let’s get baking and see you at the Fair!

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