School is back in session. The long days of summer and not following a schedule have come to an end. It is important to help your child/teenager get back on a regular schedule and into a normal sleep routine.
Busy lifestyles filled with school, afterschool, and evening activities have become the norm in the American culture. But these demanding hours of multi-tasking are negatively affecting many of our daily lives. If it affects us as adults, what must it be doing to our children and teens? Overlooking the importance of sleep is damaging to our mental, physical, and cognitive health.
Sleep is a crucial biological function. It plays a significant role in restoring and recovering the body systems, improving learning and memory, and healthy brain development.
(Photo source: Adobe Stock)
Sleep deprivation can lead to physical and behavioral symptoms that can be misdiagnosed as more severe mental and behavioral disorders. Children who do not get enough sleep may not physically appear to be sleepy. However, they may struggle with attentiveness, hyperactivity, aggression, or disruptive behavior. Sleep deprivation also reduces the immune system’s ability to defend against colds and the flu.
Tips for good sleep habits for children and families include:
Make sleep a respected priority.
Establish a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine.
Consistency is key for regular daytime and bedtime routines for sleep.
Attempt to maintain a regular sleep and wake schedule, including on weekends.
Provide children with positive attention before bedtime.
This may reduce conflict or resistance to bedtime routines.
Keep bedrooms dark, cool, and quiet.
Do not have a TV, computer, or cellphone in the room.
Use the bed only for sleep.
Avoid reading or doing homework in bed. Remove activities from the sleep environment that may be stimulating, such as devices with screens and video games.
Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon and evening, or for a minimum of three hours before bed.
Encourage children to sleep in their beds.
It helps them learn to fall asleep independently. Parents also need uninterrupted sleep.
The National Sleep Institute recommends these hours of sleep for different age groups:
12–17 hours for newborns and infants
11–14 hours for ages 1–2
10–13 hours for ages 3–5
9–11 hours for ages 6–13
8–10 hours for ages 14–17
7–9 hours for adults
As the school year begins, help your children get a strong start by guiding them through healthy sleep habits. Restful sleep will prepare them for school days with fun-filled learning experiences.
If you have concerns about your child’s sleep patterns, etc. be sure to reach out to your child’s physician or a mental health professional to help them learn good sleep habits for a successful future.
Let’s go walking on April 3, 2024, to celebrate National Walking Day. Walking is one of the best ways to get in our daily exercise with numerous health benefits.
Research has shown that walking at a moderate pace at least 150 minutes a week can help you:
Think better, feel better, and sleep better
Reduce your risk of serious diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several types of cancer
Improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels
Increase your energy and stamina
Improve your mental and emotional well-being and reduce your risk of depression
Improve memory and reduce your risk of dementia
Boost bone strength and reduce your risk of osteoporosis
Prevent weight gain
With the benefits of walking listed above, why would you not want to start walking every day for your overall health?
The American Heart Association recommends swapping 30 minutes of sitting with movement. Walking is a great way to accomplish this goal. Walking for 30 minutes can be done during breaks at work, parking farther away from an entrance, taking the stairs, walking with family and/or friends, walking the dog, and chatting on the phone as you walk. The daily 30 minutes of walking can be done all at once or in intervals of 10 minutes at a time. This makes reaching your daily walking goal even easier.
Let’s go walking.
Let’s celebrate National Walking Day every day by purposely taking a walk and remembering the health benefits you are receiving while doing so. So, get up and get moving, and walk for your health!
How many of you feel like your days are go, go, go and feel tired and uninspired by the time you get home to make dinner? I am in the same boat and have decided my fast, go to dinners are now sheet pan meals. Add protein(s) (of your choice) and vegetables (of your choice) tossed in oil and spices (of your choice) and place it in the oven to cook, and you have dinner ready in less than an hour. My favorite part of these meals is that you and your family choose the foods you like and make them your own. This makes it easy to please everyone – even picky eaters – and you can mix it up with different proteins and vegetables to keep it from getting boring.
These meals are great for introducing new vegetables and proteins to children and adults. Why is it important to eat vegetables? Eating a diet rich in vegetables provides your body with important nutrients for proper health and maintenance, protects against certain types of cancers, and helps reduce your risk for heart disease, including heart attacks and stroke.
Be sure to check out the MyPlate Vegetable Group table for more information. The Vegetable Group is divided into five subgroups: Dark-Green Vegetables, Red and Orange Vegetables, Starchy Vegetables, Beans, Peas, and Lentils, and Other Vegetables. When you click on each subgroup it gives you a list of vegetables. Be sure to eat a variety of different vegetables for the most health benefit. It is recommended for us to eat many types of vegetables in a variety of colors to get the proper amount of nutrients we need.
These balanced sheet pan meals are also very easy for cleanup. You use one sheet pan for the entire meal. I highly recommend putting parchment paper down on your sheet pan before adding any ingredients. It will make the cleanup so much easier. There may still be some oil that needs to be washed off the pan, but nothing will get stuck or will need to soak before cleaning it.
As a busy, working adult I highly recommend the sheet pan meals to make your evenings easier and to diversify your meals and types of foods you enjoy at dinner. Happy Easy Meal Prep/Cleanup! Enjoy your delicious, nutritious sheet pan meal.
This sheet pan of sweet potatoes, onions, salmon, and green beans offers a simple, healthy, and delicious meal on a busy weeknight. (Photo source: Melanie Taylor)
Protect your family and yourself against the flu with the flu vaccine and diligent personal hygiene. Photo credit: Melanie Taylor, UF/IFAS Extension.
The 2022 flu season is running at full speed and many of us will be spending more time inside due to colder temperatures, traveling, and gathering throughout the holiday season, which means we have a much better chance of coming in contact with people who may have the flu.
The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Flu viruses cause illness, hospital stays, and deaths in the U.S. each year. The flu can vary from mild to severe, so be sure to protect you and your family appropriately. Along with being vaccinated, other ways to avoid the flu include staying away from people who are sick, covering your coughs and sneezes by coughing and sneezing into your elbows, not your hands, washing your hands often with soap and water, and not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Be Aware of Flu Symptoms:
Fever or feeling feverish/chills
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.
Let’s Talk Facts About the Flu Vaccine:
It can keep you from getting sick with flu.
It can reduce the severity of illness in people who get vaccinated but still get sick.
It can reduce the risk of flu-related hospitalization.
It is an important preventive tool for people with certain chronic health conditions.
During pregnancy, the flu vaccine can help protect pregnant women from the flu during and after pregnancy and helps protect their infants from flu in their first few months of life.
It can be lifesaving to children.
Getting yourself vaccinated may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, senior adults, and persons with certain chronic health conditions.
It’s important to note it takes two weeks for the vaccine to become fully effective.
Only about 50% of Americans get an annual flu shot. There are so many more people that could prevent hospitalizations, severe flu illness, and even flu deaths if they would get vaccinated. The science is strong and the flu vaccine has been available to the public since 1945 after the U.S. government researched its safety and efficacy on the U.S. military. The flu vaccine is highly recommended by doctors for children, adults, and senior adults. If you have a chronic health condition, it is even more important for you to get your flu vaccine and protect yourself and your family from flu exposure. Let’s all consider getting the flu vaccine in 2022 and 2023 to prevent severe illness, save lives, and to have a happy, healthy New Year.
Until July 2, 2021, I felt confident I had done everything possible to stay safe and avoid contracting Covid-19. Throughout 2020 and well into 2021, I worked from home, socialized very little, quarantined when necessary, wore my mask, and constantly washed my hands. In fact, I may have dry skin on my hands for the rest of my life, but I still wash my hands frequently. The Covid-19 virus has become a controversial issue over the past two years, but my story is from real experience.
Keeping your fever under control is a necessity when battling Covid-19. Photo credit: Melanie Taylor
As I prepared to have a safe, but fun, Fourth of July weekend with a few vaccinated friends, I was winding down my Friday at work and started to feel achy. I headed home, excited for a 3-day weekend, but I still felt like I was dragging. My husband and I had plans to meet up with friends at a restaurant with outdoor seating, but before I left the house, I decided to take my temperature, just to be cautious. To our surprise, I had a fever of 99.9. We canceled our dinner plans and I took some acetaminophen, went to bed early, and we prayed it was not Covid-19. It was kind of an unspoken prayer because neither of us wanted to admit we were a little nervous about my symptoms. As the weekend carried on, I felt sicker as the hours and days went by and barely left the sofa or bed. On Sunday morning, I woke up with a bad dry, hard cough so my husband called my doctor. To be totally transparent, I am immunocompromised, so we both knew there was a chance I could have a breakthrough case even though I was vaccinated. Based on my symptoms, my doctor recommended I go to the emergency room and be evaluated since it was a 3-day weekend. I followed his directions, had a chest x-ray, which, thankfully, was clear, but I tested positive for Covid-19.
Let me honestly say, this was the sickest I had ever felt in my memories. For about twelve straight days, I laid on the sofa, took my temperature and oxygen levels, had no sense of taste or smell, ate food with no taste to keep up my strength, hydrated, and slept. The body aches, fever, dry cough, and fatigue were debilitating. I had every Covid-19 symptom listed by the CDC except for a headache. I thought to myself many times how bad and scary this could have been if I had not been vaccinated. My doctor clearly expressed his opinion that if I had been unvaccinated, I would have been hospitalized, no questions asked. Unlike many people, it was not recommended for me to take a regimen of pills or vitamins, so I fought it with acetaminophen, lots of hydration, healthy foods, and tons of rest. When I finally woke up on July 14th and could smell the coffee brewing, I knew the end was finally in sight. It still took two more weeks to feel and return to normal, and I knew firsthand this virus is no joke.
Like many of you, I know people that have tested positive and showed no symptoms, some that felt very sick but were able to stay home and recover, and some that never made it home from the hospital. I work in the field of science as a UF/IFAS Extension Agent and feel very strongly that we can all make simple efforts to reduce exposure to ourselves and others. The most important step is to pay attention to the symptoms and stay home if we suspect illness or exposure. Even though I was looking forward to the holiday festivities, I made a conscious decision to stay home on July 2nd just in case I really was positive with Covid-19. I wanted to keep my friends and family safe just in case there was a remote chance I was contagious. I feel very grateful I did not expose them to this virus.
Checking your oxygen levels while sick with Covid-19 is a must. Photo credit: Melanie Taylor
The positive cases in Florida are lower right now, and that is fantastic. I am very excited about it too, but I also know we still shouldn’t put our guard down. Please stay aware. Be aware if you or a family member(s) have been exposed or do not feel well, and check for symptoms. I highly recommend every American household have a reliable thermometer, a pulse oximeter (safe oxygen levels should not go lower than 92), fluids for hydration, and foods of different textures because eating food without being able to taste and smell is very difficult. Different food temperatures, spice levels, and textures made eating to keep up my strength easier for me to handle.
The past two years have been stressful, emotional, and very exhausting. We still cannot forget to stay aware and diligent in our everyday lives to keep our families, friends, and communities healthy. Please revisit these CDC websites as needed and always consult your doctor when you have questions and concerns. Stay aware and healthy out there!