New Year! New Me?
Well, it’s that time of year again. January 1st has finally rolled around and I still have not completed last year’s New Year’s Resolution. If you’re like me, your resolution is to lose weight in 2022. Maybe you have chosen to quit smoking, exercise more, or try to be...

More Trees, Please
Do you know how vital trees really are? Trees conserve soil and water and clean the air. Research has shown that there are both mental and physical health benefits from forests. Trees provide us with oxygen through photosynthesis. Not to mention, think of the beauty...

SMART Couples Celebration Statewide Virtual Event – February 19
The Art of Effective Communication SMART Couples Florida Celebration Statewide Virtual Event February 19, 2022 6:00 - 9:15 p.m. EST It's time to talk about love! Join us online for a night of real talk about building stronger relationships from marriage and...

Healthy Holiday Newsletter
The holiday season is finally upon us. It's a time for enjoying family, friends, and food! You can make healthy habits this holiday season. It’s not only a single meal but rather an entire season of parties, events, gatherings festivities, and unhealthy choices that...

Take Care of Your Bones
Take care of your bones today for better quality of life tomorrow! According to the National Institutes of Health, about one in every two Americans over the age of 50 may already have or be at risk of developing osteoporosis. (1) Osteoporosis is a disease where, over...

Recipes are a Great Way to Preserve Family Traditions
Since I can recall, I’ve liked to read cookbooks. Old cookbooks, famous cookbooks, church cookbooks, regional and seasonal cookbooks, and cookbooks hot off the press! I read the forward and the preface (… if there is one). I don’t just look at the pictures, but I read...

Meet Your FCS Agent- Claire Reach
Claire Reach is the UF/IFAS 4-H & Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agent in Calhoun County, Florida. For 4-H, she specializes in animal handling, animal safety, and animal sciences. For FCS, she mainly specializes in food safety and healthy living, but has found...

Flour Power
If baking were a feature film, flour would be the lead actor. While there are a lot of important supporting castmates, flour is the star. It serves as the foundation upon which baking masterpieces are built, providing structure, texture, and mouthfeel (the physical...

Tax Savings with a Flexible Spending Account
Fall is open enrollment for health insurance and other employee benefits with many employers. One benefit available through many employers is a flexible spending account, or FSA. A flexible spending account is a special account into which you put money to pay for...

Reaching for Success with Time Management and a Positive Attitude
Time management plays an important role each day. All people have 24 hours in a day, but how those hours are used can be different for each person. Individuals can have more control of their lives, less stress, and more free time if they have good time management...