Living Well in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension
Water Safety is Key to a Fun-Filled Summer at the Pool

Water Safety Month is May!

Do you have firm water safety practices? Are you a strong swimmer? Do you know Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)? Each May, as the temperature rises, the gravitation to fun outdoor water activities begins. Numerous partners, including the American Red Cross and...

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Dairy Does A Body Good

Dairy Does A Body Good

There are no bones about it:  osteoporosis is no joke. Over time, this condition can lead to brittle bones that break easily and cause debilitating pain. Taking steps early to support bone health can go a long way toward decreasing the risk of developing osteoporosis...

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Spring into Gardening

Spring into Gardening

Have you ever imagined planting a small garden and growing vegetables for your family? It may seem like a difficult and daunting project, but I assure you the benefits of growing your own vegetables far outweigh the reservations and roadblocks that may have previously...

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