Living Well in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension
Think About It!

Think About It!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the term "sustainability" has emerged as a result of significant concerns about the unintended social, environmental, and economic consequences of rapid growth.  Sustainability is based on a simple principle:...

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Spring into Cleaning

Spring is officially upon us.  There are few rites of Spring more familiar than the annual Spring Cleaning.  It is easier and healthier to live in a clean, well-organized home.  Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be synonymous with drudgery, though. The key to cleaning...

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Spring Clean Your Finances

  As you are clearing out clutter, sprucing up, and getting ready for summer, you also should start your financial spring cleaning by figuring out where you stand financially. Here are a few tips to help you get started: 1.  Get organized. Build a personal...

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Are You Being Profiled?

Your credit score is the most frequently and widely used method for determining your credit worthiness, but what if a 700 credit score was not just a 700 credit anymore? What if there was a way to try to predict consumer debt delinquency behavior even among those...

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