AgroCliamte HeaderThe AgroClimate Mobile app is an innovative way to help Florida growers make more informed decisions based on weather and climate information. Growers can check current weather conditions at FAWN weather stations and summarize observations during the last 7, 14 and 30 days including:

  • AgroClimate App GraphicRainfall
  • Mean air temperature
  • Accumulated Growing Degree Days (GDD)
  • Accumulated chill hours
  • Extreme weather events
Users can also register farms and fields for customized reports based on crop, planting /start date, soil texture and irrigation management, including:
  • Total rainfall since planting/start date
  • Mean value of the Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID)
  • Total reference evapotranspiration (ETo)
  • Maximum and minimum mean air temperature
  • Accumulated GDD (Tbase = 50°F)
  • Extreme events: days with Tmax > 95°F, Tmin < 32°F and number of days with extreme rainfall events.
The app can be set up to access information from the National Weather Service providing an 18 hour and a 5 day forecast for a specific location.  Users can also choose to receive daily or weekly notifications for each location. The AgroClimate is available for iOS (iPhone, iPad,and iPod Touch) and can be downloaded without cost from the App store.  The Android version is in the works and will be out later in the year.


App Store Button

Download from the App Store:
AgroClimate Mobile App



For more information contact:
Clyde Fraisse,Associate Professor,
UF/IFAS Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Websites with additional climate and weather Information


AgroClimate Footer


Doug Mayo
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