Beef Cattle Websites
- UF/IFAS Florida Beef Extension website
- Florida Bull Test website
- Ona Range Cattle Research & Education Center website
- South Florida Beef & Forage Program website
Market Information
- Feeder and Replacement Cattle Auction Prices by State and Individual Market
- USDA AMS Cattle & Meat Market Reports
- USDA AMS Feedstuffs Reports
- Kansas State Livestock & Meat Marketing
- Southeast Cattle Advisor
Beef Fact Sheets
- UF Beef Cattle Fact Sheets
- UF Beef Cattle Short Course Proceedings
- Beef Publications from UF/IFAS Range Cattle Station
- UF Cattle Disease & Vaccination Fact Sheets
- UF Veterinary Extension Beef Publications
- Mississippi State University Beef Cattle Publications
- Oklahoma State University Beef Extension publications
- University of Kentucky Beef Cattle Publications
- University of Georgia Beef Cattle Publications
- Texas A&M Beef Cattle Publications
- University of Nebraska Beef Cattle Production
- Virginia Tech Beef Cattle Publications
- University of Missouri Beef Cattle Publications
- University of Minnesota Beef Industry Center
- USDA Animal Health Resources & Information
- Florida Department of Agriculture – Cattle
- UF College of Veterinary Medicine on Humane Euthanasia
- University of Tennessee Cattle Publications
Meat Buying Guide
Budgets & Records
- University of Georgia Enterprise Budgets
- Auburn University Stocker Cattle Budgets
- UF Cattle Budgets
- Florida Beef Cattle Ranch Record Book
- Iowa State Custom Rate Survey
Cowpen & Farm Facility Construction Plans
- Midwest Plan Service
- North Dakota State University Plans
- University of Kentucky Plans
- Louisiana State University Plans
- Canadian Plan Service