Bermudagrass Stem Maggot

While doing plot work at the Sunbelt Ag Expo late this week, Dr. Lisa Baxter (a post-doc in our program hired to assist with our stem maggot research) and I observed bermudagrass stem maggot pressure in our bermudagrass stands there. Alicia, Coastal, Russell, Tifton 44, and common bermudagrass had all suffered more than 20% stem damage, though the stand was ready to cut and yield loss would probably be < 5%. The damage in Tifton 85 and Coastcross-II was barely noticeable. Meanwhile, damage in our research plots at Tifton was still very slight. Spotty damage has been reported across South GA, but the levels are high enough that producers below the Fall Line should strongly consider implementing the suppression technique. For more details, read:

BERMUDAGRASS STEM MAGGOT RESEARCH UPDATE.  A new Extension Bulletin that will provide more depth to this subject should be out later this summer.

Sugarcane Aphid

Dr. David Buntin, Extension Entomologist in Griffin, reported to me yesterday that he found sugarcane aphids (SCA) on grain sorghum sentinel plots planted in early May in Pike Co. Populations ranged from several to several hundred per leaf. Populations greater than 50 aphids per leaf are considered high enough to warrant an insecticide application. For more information about SCA management, view Dr. Buntin’s factsheet: MANAGEMENT OF SUGARCANE APHID ON GEORGIA SORGHUM IN 2017


Doug Mayo
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