Sherri Kraeft
Wakulla County 4-H Agent
Wakulla County 4-H
84 Cedar Avenue
Crawfordville, FL 32327
As summer quickly is upon us, we are all looking forward to summer camps and cookouts, fun in the sun and ways to spend time with our families and fellow 4-Hers. In this issue of the newsletter, we are giving volunteers, parents and others creative ideas for how to have fun this summer with 4-H. Even though each county program differs in what they offer during the summer months, we all want to stay connected and active throughout the summer and into the fall. While it is getting hotter by the minute, we in Wakulla County 4-H are excited to be offering four new day camping programs and we have just conducted a successful fundraiser called Jam 4 Camp. Be sure to read all about how to involve teen counselors and don’t miss the information on how to teach science without actually being a scientist; really, it’s easy!
While you enjoy your summer activities, also don’t forget to be safe in the sun and be aware of some of the common hazards and warning signs for dehydration and sun-related illnesses. You can find more information about sun safety and protection at and Have a safe and sunny summer!
- Sunbelt Ag Expo – 10/13/14 – Setup Day LIVE Feed - October 13, 2014
- iPads for Everyone - July 1, 2011
- Tips for Summer Camp FUNdraising - July 1, 2011