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Every year, the North Florida Fair in Tallahassee, FL, becomes a vibrant hub of learning and doing for 4-Hers across North Florida. One of the standout events is the 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest. This contest is more than just a competition; it is a platform for youth to develop essential life and workforce skills. Research indicates that judging contests like the 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest play a significant role in youth development. According to a study by Rusk et al. (2003), participation in judging contests helps youth develop critical thinking, decision-making, and communication skills. These contests require participants to analyze information, make informed decisions, and articulate their reasoning, which are crucial skills for both personal and professional growth.

Furthermore, a study by Enfield et al. (2007) highlights that judging contests foster a sense of responsibility and self-discipline among participants. The preparation and dedication required for these contests teach youth the value of hard work and perseverance, qualities that are essential for success in any field.

Building Life Skills Through Horticulture Judging

  1. Critical Thinking and Decision Making:
    • Participants must evaluate plants based on a set of criteria, requiring them to apply their knowledge and make informed decisions. This process enhances their critical thinking abilities and helps them become more confident in their judgment.
  2. Communication Skills:
    • After making their evaluations, participants often need to explain their reasoning to judges. This practice helps them develop clear and effective communication skills, which are vital for any career.
  3. Attention to Detail:
    • Identifying subtle differences between plants and recognizing symptoms of diseases or pests requires keen observation and attention to detail. These skills are valuable in numerous professional contexts, including science, healthcare, and business.
  4. Teamwork and Leadership:
    • Many horticulture judging contests involve team events where participants must collaborate and make collective decisions. This experience fosters teamwork and leadership skills, preparing youth for collaborative environments in the workplace.
  5. Time Management and Organization:
    • Preparing for the contest requires effective time management and organizational skills. Participants must balance their study time with other responsibilities, teaching them how to prioritize tasks and manage their time efficiently.

The Impact on Workforce Skills

The skills developed through horticulture judging contests are directly transferable to the workforce. Employers value employees who can think critically, communicate effectively, and work well in teams. By participating in these contests, youth gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Additionally, the specific knowledge gained through horticulture judging can lead to career opportunities in agriculture, environmental science, and related fields. The experience of participating in such contests can also enhance college applications and resumes, showcasing a commitment to learning and personal development.

Horticulture Judging Contest Content

The 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest challenges participants to evaluate various plant specimens, identify pests and diseases, and demonstrate their knowledge of plant science. The contest is divided into several categories, including plant identification, judging classes based on a set of criteria, and a knowledge exam. This structure not only tests the participants’ horticultural knowledge but also hones their analytical and decision-making skills.

Participants are given a list of plants to study in advance, which can be found on the Florida 4-H Horticulture Contest Study Guide. Additionally, they can access resources on pest identification and management from the University of Florida IFAS Extension.

The 4-H Horticulture Judging Contest at the North Florida Fair is more than a competition; it is a transformative experience that equips youth with essential life and workforce skills. By fostering critical thinking, communication, attention to detail, teamwork, and time management, these contests prepare participants for success in various aspects of life. For more information and resources, participants can refer to the Florida 4-H Horticulture Contest Study Guide and the University of Florida IFAS Extension Pest Management Resources.

As youth engage in these enriching activities, they not only cultivate their horticultural knowledge but also sow the seeds for a prosperous future, embodying the 4-H motto: “To Make the Best Better.” If you are interested in signing your child up for this program, or helping other youth prepare, contact your local UF IFAS Extension office. 


  • Rusk, C. P., Martin, C. A., Talbert, B. A., & Balschweid, M. A. (2003). Attributes of Indiana’s 4-H Livestock Judging Program. Journal of Extension, 41(4).
  • Enfield, R. P., Schmitt-McQuitty, L., & Smith, M. H. (2007). The Development and Impact of an Experiential Science Curriculum. Journal of Extension, 45(4).

Why Agriculture is for Everyone

Welcome to “Fair Fridays!” Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing why fairs are still relevant today, and how your family can benefit. This week’s article is all about agriculture judging. If you are like me, you may wonder why anyone who doesn’t life on a farm might want to participate in agriculture judging.  I didn’t grow up on a farm and I wasn’t a 4-H member, so when I first started with Florida 4-H more than 25 years ago, I didn’t understand all the fuss about judging contests. Fortunately, I’ve had some wonderful volunteers, agents, and youth that have educated me about what it’s REALLY all about….

Youth who participate in ag judging do learn a lot about agriculture. The learn about the science behind raising food, and why it’s important. But some of the most important lessons they learn having nothing to do about agriculture. Through this program, they learn about higher order thinking skills such as decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking. They also learn about communication and teamwork. These are skills that transfer to any future career and can help them in their personal lives as well.

The North Florida Fair Ag Judging Contest takes place during 4-H Day at the Fair in Tallahassee, Florida. This contest will cover judging steers, heifers, eggs, hay, and grains. This contest is for youth 4-H ages 8-18 who are interested in learning how to judge agriculture. To participate in this contest youth must register in 4-H Online and contact your 4-H Agent to sign up. If you have any questions about this event, please email Robbie Jones or Evie Hunter (

To prepare for this event, ask your local UF IFAS Extension office about workshops or team practices. Additionally, we have lots of material available online:

Florida 4-H Livestock Judging Curriculum (includes activities)

Livestock Judging EDIS Factsheet (Florida)

Livestock Judging Guide (Kansas)

Livestock Judging Explore Guide (Texas)

If you have missed one of our previous Fair Friday posts, check the links out below:

The History of Fairs & Why they are Part of 4-H

Beyond the Blue Ribbon: Making the Most of Your Fair Experience

2024 Chick Chain Show Results

Cloverbud participants

On Saturday, April 20, 2024, the Washington County Ag Center came to life with 64 4-Hers and 141 chickens for the 2024 Northwest District Chick Chain show. The show was the culmination of the seven-month Northwest District 4-H Chick Chain project.

In September 2023, at the beginning of the 4-H year, 4-Hers took ownership of day-old chicks and began their journey in the 4-H poultry science project. They learned about poultry nutritional and (more…)

5 Easy Ideas to Spark Green Thumbs

Gardening is not just about growing plants; it’s about nurturing a connection with the earth, fostering a sense of responsibility, and discovering the wonders of nature. For 4-H youth, gardening provides a hands-on learning experience that teaches valuable skills, promotes healthy living, and instills a lifelong appreciation for the environment. After all, 4-H is about helping youth find their spark! In this article, we’ll explore five engaging activities to help 4-H youth develop their green thumbs and cultivate a love for gardening. These activities are perfect for a club meeting, classroom, or even at home with the family!

  1. Recycled Plant Pots– Make plant pots out of recycled materials! This is a fun and easy way to make small pots for seed-starting. All you need are some empty water or juice bottles and newspapers. Download the step-by-step directions.
  2. Paper Towel Gardening– Figuring out how to space seeds when you plant them can be a daunting task. Seed tapes make this easier, but they are expensive. You can make your own while teaching youth about how many plants can fit in a square foot of space. You will need 2-ply paper towels, school glue, a ruler, and seeds. Most full sheets of paper towels are about 1 foot square. You can do the math to determine how many seeds can fit on one paper towel. Once the spacing is determined, gently pull apart the paper towel layers and use a small amount of glue to glue the seeds in place. Place the other layer of paper toweling over the seeds and glue. Once it dries, you can plant the paper towel according to the depth listed on the seed packet. Below are a few common examples:- Bush Beans- 9 seeds per paper towel
    – Cucumbers- 2 seeds per paper towel
    – Tomatoes- 1 seed per paper towel
  3. Plant a Plant Person– in a paper cup, or a recycled plant pot from #1 above, plant grass seed. The pot can be decorated to look like a face with googly eyes! In a few short days, the “plant person” will grow “hair.” The “hair” can be cut with scissors. Step-by-step instructions can be downloaded from Clover by 4-H. 
  4. Planting Party– This activity can double as a service project. Choose a sunny spot at your Extension Office to plant a small herb, vegetable, or flower garden. Work with your Extension office to see if some Master Gardeners might help to demonstrate proper planting techniques, including digging holes, loosening roots, and backfilling with soil. Encourage club members to work together in teams to plant their chosen seedlings, taking turns and offering assistance as needed. Discuss the importance of spacing, watering, and mulching to promote healthy plant growth and prevent competition for resources. As they plant their garden, 4-H youth will develop teamwork skills and a sense of ownership and pride in their collective efforts.
  5. Garden Journaling: Encourage 4-H youth to keep a garden journal to document their gardening journey and reflect on their experiences. Provide each participant with a notebook or journal and encourage them to record observations, drawings, and notes about their garden activities. Prompt them to write about the plants they’re growing, the weather conditions, any pests or diseases they encounter, and their successes and challenges. Encourage them to take photographs of their garden throughout the growing season to track its progress. Set aside time during club meetings to review and discuss journal entries, share tips and insights, and celebrate achievements. By journaling their experiences, 4-H youth will develop communication skills, critical thinking skills, and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature.

Opportunities for further engagement:
If planting seeds and growing them at home, youth can exhibit them at the North Florida Fair in several ways:

  1. Youth can take photos of their plants and enter it into Class 11. Photos can also be entered in County Events. Blue ribbon photos will move on to 4-H University.
  2. Youth can enter potted plants or dish gardens in Class 1.
  3. If harvesting vegetables, youth can enter canned goods in Class 6.
  4. Youth can create a poster to demonstrate what they learned about gardening (parts of a plant, plant varieties, what plants need to grow, etc). Posters can be entered in Class 12 and can also be entered in County Events. Blue ribbon posters will move on to 4-H University.
  5. Youth interested in learning more about plants can join a Horticulture Judging Team– the contest takes place on 4-H Day at the Fair on November 9th. The state contest is in June, and the winners go onto the national contest.

Gardening offers endless opportunities for 4-H youth to learn, grow, and connect with the natural world. By engaging in hands-on activities such as seed starting, garden planning, planting parties, journaling, and harvest celebrations, 4-H youth will develop valuable skills, cultivate a love for gardening, and make lasting memories with their peers. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your gardening tools, and let the green thumb adventures begin!

Spring Outside: 3 Ways to Move Club Meetings Outdoors

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up (but isn’t too hot), it’s the perfect time to take your 4-H club activities outdoors! Outdoor activities offer unique opportunities for hands-on learning, team building, and exploration of the natural world. Whether you’re in a rural setting or an urban environment, there are plenty of fun and engaging outdoor activities to enjoy with your 4-H group or as a family. This article shares five ways you can shake things up by taking it outside!

Nature Scavenger Hunt: Embark on a nature scavenger hunt to discover the wonders of the great outdoors! Create a list of items for participants to find, such as leaves of different shapes and sizes, animal tracks, bird feathers, or specific types of flowers. Divide the group into teams and set them loose to explore the surrounding area. Encourage participants to use their observation skills and work together to check off items on their list. The team that finds the most items within a designated time wins a prize!

  • There is a native plant scavenger hunt as part of the Florida 4-H Bluebird project on page 9 of the Leader’s Guide.
  • To make this even more engaging with youth, you can use iNaturalist. It is a free app from National Geographic that uses crowdsourcing to identify plants. You can create your scavenger hunt for your club in the app, and then families or teams of youth use their phone to take a picture, document, and identify plants or animals.
  • If youth enjoy this type of activity, you might want to consider the Florida Friendly Landscaping Project or the Florida Youth Naturalist Project. Both projects guide youth through learning about Florida’s native plants and environments.

Outdoor Games Day: Organize a fun-filled outdoor games day for your 4-H club members to enjoy friendly competition and physical activity. Set up stations for classic games like sack races, tug-of-war, relay races, and frisbee throwing. You can also introduce lesser-known sports or activities such as disc golf, ultimate frisbee, or orienteering. Tailor the games to accommodate different skill levels and abilities, and encourage teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play among participants. Don’t forget to provide plenty of water, sunscreen, and snacks to keep everyone energized throughout the day!

Wildlife Watching: Take a walk on the wild side and explore the fascinating world of local wildlife! Visit nearby parks, nature reserves, or wildlife sanctuaries with your 4-H club and embark on a wildlife-watching adventure. Bring along binoculars, field guides, and notebooks to help identify and record sightings of birds, insects, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Encourage participants to observe animal behavior, habitat preferences, and adaptations to their environment.

  • Consider inviting a local naturalist or wildlife expert to join you on your excursion and share their knowledge and expertise with the group.
  • Visit a state park to look for signs of wildlife. You can request a letter from your Local UF IFAS Extension Office to waive the state park entry fee.
  • Clover by 4-H offers several easy activities to support projects that are grab-and-go. Wildlife Signs is an activity that is appropriate for a variety of ages. This activity helps youth make observations about the wildlife around them, and can be a great introduction to the 4-H Wildlife project! To access the materials, you need to create a free account.

Fostering Further Engagement
Florida 4-H supports several project areas that foster a love of the outdoors. If you know a young person with a spark for the outdoors, encourage them to explore a project related to Wildlife, Forestry, Shooting Sports, or Sportsfishing. We also have a Forest Ecology Contest and a Wildlife Ecology Contest.

With a little creativity and enthusiasm, the possibilities for outdoor activities with your 4-H club are endless! Whether you’re exploring the wonders of nature, , engaging in friendly competition, or observing wildlife in its natural habitat, outdoor activities offer valuable opportunities for learning, growth, and connection. So, grab your sunscreen, put on your hiking boots, and get ready to make lasting memories with your 4-H club members and families in the great outdoors!

Write a blog article about 5 activities to teach 4-H youth about gardening

Planning a Safe and Engaging Paddling Adventure for Youth Part 2

As we continue with part two of our series ‘Planning a Safe and Engaging Paddling Adventure for Youth,’ our goal is to highlight the key elements that make these excursions both memorable and educational. You will be introduced to the essentials of group dynamics, communication strategies, and incorporating educational components to your trip. Whether you’re planning a day trip or a multi-day camp, the information in this blog will help you navigate the challenges and delights of introducing young paddlers to the wonders of the great outdoors.

Paddling is a Group Activity

A successful paddling trip depends greatly on strong group dynamics and clear communication. Prior to getting on the water, it’s essential to conduct a thorough on-land training session that covers the basics of paddling, maintaining balance, and methods for recovering from a capsize. Turning these drills into interactive and enjoyable activities can greatly alleviate any nervousness and boost the confidence of your youth participants. For those organizing multi-day camps, scheduling this training a day in advance can be particularly beneficial—the more familiar youth become with these practices, the better.

group of youth surrounding an adult as she gives instructions before the paddling trip.

A successful paddling trip fosters solid group dynamics, clear communication, and teachers essential on-land training that covers paddling fundamentals, balance maintenance, and capsize recovery techniques.

Before setting out, it’s important that designated adult volunteers take on the specific roles, such as the lead and sweep, to maintain order and ensure the group’s safety throughout the adventure. The lead is responsible for navigating the route, monitoring for hazards, being mindful of other waterway users, and setting a pace that accommodates the entire group. The sweep boat, positioned at the end of the group, ensures that no one falls behind. This position requires experience with rescue situations, the capability to offer aid during capsizes or emergencies, and typically includes the responsibility of carrying a first aid kit along with having certifications in first aid, and CPR.

Effective and clear communication is essential when on the water. All paddlers should stay within earshot of each other to facilitate this. However, if distance makes verbal communication challenging, hand, paddle, and whistle signals become crucial tools for conveying messages. For instance, holding a paddle horizontally above your head signals others to stop paddling. Raising your arms vertically signifies an all-clear or prompts others to proceed. Waving your paddle overhead indicates a need for assistance in emergencies. To direct paddlers, use your paddle to point in the intended direction of travel, avoiding using it to point out hazards.

Whistle signals also play a key role in communication:

  • One whistle blast calls for attention, urging the group to stop and wait for further instructions.
  • Two blasts instruct paddlers to stop and remain in their current location.
  • Three blasts signal an emergency, indicating that help is needed.

By creating clear communication among experienced adults, the trip not only becomes safer but also serves as an opportunity to demonstrate responsibility and leadership to youth on the trip. This structure provides a secure environment where youth can focus on refining their paddling skills and fully engage in the educational aspects of the activity. Modeling teamwork within the adults fosters a sense of unity throughout the team, enabling everyone to navigate challenges more effectively.

In case of a Capsize

When someone capsizes, it’s essential to remember your rescue priorities. The safety of people is always the most important. First, make sure everyone is safe. Then, collect boats and paddles. After securing the larger items, you can retrieve smaller gear like water bottles and dry bags.

If you’re the rescuer, it’s crucial to stay calm and control your boat to avoid becoming a casualty yourself. Ask for help if needed, giving clear instructions to the victim or other group members. If you’re witnessing a capsize, sometimes the best action is to stay clear unless the rescuer calls for assistance. If asked to help, follow their instructions while keeping yourself and your boat under control.

As a potential rescuer, remember the sequence talk – reach – throw – paddle – go.

  1. Talk: Start by getting the attention of the capsized paddler using your voice, whistle, or another sound device. Often, simply talking them through staying calm and performing a self-rescue is enough.
  2. Reach: If more than verbal guidance is needed, use the reach method. Extend your paddle or arm to help. Guide them to the front of your kayak for safety, avoiding having them hold onto the side, which could destabilize your kayak.
  3. Throw: When the capsized paddler is too far for a reach, throw them a rope or a life float they can grab onto.
  4. Paddle: If neither talking, reaching, nor throwing works, paddle close enough to them so they can be safely pulled to safety using the reach or throw method.
  5. Go: As a last resort, you may need to get into the water to assist, which involves significant risk. Ensure bystanders are calling for help while you swim to the capsized paddler’s aid.

This approach ensures everyone knows their role in a capsize situation, prioritizing safety and effective rescue techniques.

Outdoor Education and Stewardship

Enhance your paddling journey by turning it into a comprehensive educational experience, focusing on the local ecosystem and conservation initiatives. By immersing participants in the surrounding natural environment, you deepen their connection and commitment to environmental stewardship.

Teaching and practicing Leave No Trace principles is key to fostering respect for our natural surroundings. Paddling leaders play a crucial role in emphasizing the importance of minimizing our environmental impact, showing consideration for wildlife, and preserving the natural beauty of our waterways. Instilling these values in young paddlers helps them understand the critical role they play in conservation efforts and encourages them to engage in responsible outdoor behaviors well into adulthood.


Incorporating a debrief, or post-trip reflection session, into your paddling adventure is an excellent way to incorporate principles of experiential learning, which values learning through action and reflection. After your trip, taking time for a debrief enables participants to express their thoughts on the activity, confront challenges encountered, and share new insights. Purposeful reflection is essential to the experiential learning process, helping learners to internalize their experiences and apply their insights in future contexts.

Debriefing among adults is also important. Scenarios encountered during the trip may highlight potential opportunities where additional training from certified instructors to improve paddling skills and safety knowledge is needed.


Embarking on a paddling adventure with youth offers more than just a day on the water; it’s an opportunity to foster teamwork, respect for nature, and a commitment to environmental stewardship through experiential learning. By incorporating safety, education, and reflection, we not only ensure a memorable and enriching experience but also instill important values and skills that youth will carry with them long after the trip ends.


Want to learn more? Check out Paddle TV on YouTube which has made great videos in partnership with the American Canoe Association (ACA) by following the link:

Consider using the Paddle Safe Paddle Smart (PS2) curriculum that has been created by ACA when implementing a paddling component during day camps or workshops.

Paddling Trip Checklist for Leaders

This checklist serves as a foundational tool for leaders to ensure that every aspect of the paddling trip is accounted for, from safety to environmental education. By following this guide and utilizing the checklist, leaders can provide a safe, enjoyable, and enriching paddling experience that youth participants will remember for years to come.