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Advertisement for 4-H Teen Retreat Feb. 25-27

4-H Music Magic Teen Retreat
February 25-27, 2022

We are so excited to be able to offer a face-to-face teen retreat “4-H Music Magic” February 25-27, 2022! Join 4-H teens and faculty from the panhandle of Florida to learn new skills in a fun and educational way. Teen youth are encouraged to participate in the weekend filled with fun and hands-on experiences. Feel free to invite your friend that are not in 4-H already. They will just need to join. At the conference you will have the opportunity to network with 4-H educators and other volunteers to help you become a stronger 4-H member.

The conference registration will be open until February 7. The cost is $120 per person, paid to your county office. Some scholarships are available talk to your local 4-H Faculty member if you need financial help to attend. You will be required to register through the 4-H Online, under events labeled NWD 4-H Teen Retreat.

During the registration process you will be ask what your workshop/funshop preferences are for more information about these and a tentative schedule can be found on the 4-H DII website. For more information contact your local Extension Office!

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