by pmdavis | Oct 24, 2024

Recycled Art Ideas
I have the privilege of writing about our last class in the 4-H Division-CLASS 18: Recycled Arts for North Florida Fair. For this class you will create an original piece using recycled or natural products. The art can be 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional. At least half of the final piece should be from recycled (something that is used differently than its original purpose like: plastics, aluminum cans newspapers, cardboard, etc) or a natural environmental material, such as pinecones, dried flowers, leaves, or sticks. All materials used must be clean, sanitary, and safe.

Learning by doing
So, if you use something that previously contained food it must be washed. If the item is from the environment remove excess dirt from the natural materials. Finally, all sharp edges on the artwork should be removed or covered for safety.
Preparing your Entry Form & Exhibitor’s Tag
You will need to have their entry forms to your 4-H Office by the 1st of October. 
When you turn in your entry form, your 4-H agent will assign exhibit tags, which you will need to fill out and attach to your plant when it is time to submit for judging. Here is the information you need to correctly complete your entry tag:
- Section – 210
- Class- 18
- Lot- This will be your age division; write “A” for juniors (8-10 years old), “B” for intermediates (11-13 years old), or “C” for seniors (14-18 years old).
- Exhibit- a short description of the item you are entering (example: recycled pop bottle to piggy bank)
- Exhibitor- Your name
- Address- Name of your county
You can have up to 6 recycled art entries for the North Florida Fair. Youth will need to attach a label with a description of recycled material to their exhibit. The fantastic thing about this class is everyone can be creative, and this is a relatively inexpensive hobby that helps the environment by lowering the amount of items going into landfills. Take some time relax and be creative to create your recycled art fair exhibits.
You can download the judges’ scoring rubric for more information on how recycled art entries are judged. These entries are evaluated on:
- 50% made from recycled or natural materials.
- Description identifying recycled materials attached to item.
- Item is a two- or three-dimensional piece of art from previously used materials.
- The completed art piece is different from its original use.
Designs and Creativity
- Workmanship/technique/materials – overall composition was planned filling space adequately.
- Neatness/appearance – care was taken in the creation of the item.
- Appropriate combination or use of materials.
- Recycled items are clean, sanitary, and safe.
- Creativity – item is unique or original.
- Creative use of color, pattern, or material.
After judging, a ribbon will be attached to your plant, and the ribbon color will be recorded for the fair office so they can issue you your premium money. 4-H Day at the Fair (November 16) is a great time to check to see what placings your exhibits earned!
Take a little time today to relax and create your own recycled art project for the fair. If you have questions, reach out to your local UF IFAS Extension Office.
North Florida Fair 4-H Club Department 210 Rules
4-H Entry Form (for non-animal exhibits such as Recycled Arts)
Class 18 Recycled Arts
4-H Mall Visual and Creative Arts Curriculum
by pmdavis | Aug 28, 2024

Horticulture Class Display
It’s hard to believe fair season is just around the corner. I remember as a youth the excitement of entering my projects in the county fair. Today I will be sharing tips for preparing your plant project for exhibition at the fair. At the North Florida Fair, youth plant projects are entered in Class 1 of department 210. This includes plants grown in containers or dish gardens, and each youth can enter up to six entries for this class. Youth need to have their plants six weeks prior to the fair; this year that is around September 15. If you are growing your plant from seed or from a cutting, you will want to start much earlier. The exact time will depend on the type of plant you are growing.
You want to select plants that will peak in November or that can be maintained at a good size for exhibit. Here’s a list of plants that have been exhibited in past years, and work well for this time of year in Florida: African Violet, Aloe, Aluminum, Angelonia, Arrowhead Plant, Basil, Begonia, Blue Daze, Cardinal guard/Mexican Firebush, Coleus, Christmas Cactus, Cilantro, Creeping Jenny, Croton, Cuban Oregano, Dianthus, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Crossandra, Jade Plant, Ferns, Fittonia, Ghost Plant, Kalanchoe, Lavender, Liriope, Perilla, Euonymus, Marigold, Moss Rose (Portulaca), Impatiens, Marjoram, Mums, Oregano, Oyster Plant, Orchid, Parsley, Pentas, Peace Lily, Ornamental Peppers, Pentas, Peperomia, Persian Shield, Petunia, Philodendron, Pilea, Polka Dot Plant, Portulaca, Pothos, Prayer Plant, Purple Heart, Rosemary, Sage, Salvia, Sedum, Spider Plant, Snake Plant, Stevia, Tarragon, Thyme, Torenia, Vinca, Wax Begonia, Zinnia.
Caring for your Plant
The fantastic thing about exhibiting plants is everyone can grow flowers and vegetables in small spaces using containers. It is also a relatively inexpensive hobby that helps the environment. The main requirement is that you grow plants together with similar light and moisture requirements. Here are a couple of resources to assist you with container gardening from Florida and Iowa.
Plants for exhibition should have good spread, fullness, and height. Branching is often more desirable than extra height. That may mean that the plant needs to be cut back to allow branching and encourage symmetrical growth. A one-sided or unevenly developed plant often indicates that it has not been rotated regularly and has grown toward the sun or source of light.
First decide where your plant will be kept. Is it sunny or shady? Will it get lots of water or a little water? Next select the plants that will meet the location needs. Then find a container to show off your plants for the fair. You want your pot to be in proportion to the plants you planted. You do not want the container to be unstable or overpowering. In our county, we use gallon size black pots for the ease of transport to the fair. However, the fair does not limit or specify the type of container to be used. Talk with your local extension faculty if they are transporting your plants for you since they may have limitations on what they can transport. The biggest thing to remember is the plants are the stars of the show and need to be the eyecatcher, not the container outshining the plants.
Prepping Your Plant for Exhibition
After having your plants for six weeks your will need to do a few things to get them ready for exhibit at the fair. Download this checklist to help you prepare!
- You will want to have a saucer to catch water drainage.
- Next clean your pot by removing soil and spray residue from the sides. Remove any excess roots coming out of the bottom of the container. Groom your plant by remove any detritus (dead leaves, sticks etc.) laying on top of the soil. You may need to top dress the container with fresh soil or compost to make it neat in appearance.
- When grooming the plants you want to remove all soil and spray residue from the foliage, stems, and flowers. You can do this by using a damp cloth or soft brush. Be careful not to damage the foliage or petals when doing this step. Next you want to look at the plant for faded blooms, ragged leaves and dead or diseased branches. These should be removed, or trimmed (following the natural shape of the leaf) but stubs or wounds may be noticed by the judge so avoid removing too many leaves and stems.
- If your plant needs to be staked to stand up correctly, stake it but the stake should end below the plant. You want the stake to be as unobtrusive as possible.
- Finally, attach the fair entry tag to your container. Make sure to include the container start date and common plant names to the entry tag or use another label.
Preparing your Entry Form & Exhibitor’s Tag
Entry forms are due to your local 4-H Extension Office by the 1st of October. When you turn in your entry form, your 4-H agent will assign exhibit tags, which you will need to fill out and attach to your plant when it is time to submit for judging. Here is the information you need to correctly complete your entry tag:
- Section – 210
- Class- 1
- Lot- This will be your age division; write “A” for juniors (8-10 years old), “B” for intermediates (11-13 years old), or “C” for seniors (14-18 years old).
- Exhibit- a short description of the item you are entering (example: dwarf coreopsis)
- Exhibitor- Your name
- Address- Name of your county
Your plant will be judged the Wednesday before the fair opens. Foliage plants are judged on the quality and appearance of leaves and stems. Colors should be bright, clear, and typical of the plant. Flowering plants are judged for their display of flowers but should not show obvious foliage (leaf) damage. A comparison of the number of open flowers and buds is typically used to evaluate similar entries. You can download the judges’ scoring rubric for more information on how horticulture entries are judged. After judging, a ribbon will be attached to your plant, and the ribbon color will be recorded for the fair office so they can issue you your premium money. 4-H Day at the Fair (November 16) is a great time to check to see what placings your exhibits earned!
Take a little time today to dig in the dirt and create your own container garden(s) for fair exhibits. If you have questions, reach out to your local UF IFAS Extension Office.
by pmdavis | Dec 1, 2023

A variety of yummy treats in jars to give as gifts for the holidays.
The Holidays hold some of my fondest memories! Our family would often make special presents for friends and family members. We made things like cookies, candies, breads, and soups that could be shared with others. This can be a fun tradition for your family or 4-H Group to create together!
These gifts usually are not super expensive but can let everyone know you are thinking about them. A lot of times we would make a treat and deliver it along with a container of pre-made mix they could use later to make another serving. That way they know what they are getting and are more likely to make another batch. If this sounds like a fun tradition you may want to incorporate it but remember to be safe while making these special treats. You don’t want to prepare these delights and cause someone to have an allergic reaction or become sick from eating them.
If you like crafting you can decorate bags, jars, spoons, clean ornaments, mugs etc. A bow, ribbon, piece of fabric, dried flowers, sprigs of fresh flowers, holly or pine can make beautiful packages. Remember a little decoration can go a long way and make your gift giving more economical and festive.
Some of our Extension Colleagues from Kentucky KY1 and KY2, Maine, North Dakota and Iowa have some great recipes to share for gifts in a jar, on a spoon or in a mug. Many of these already have premade tags you can download and attach to the item. It also has the individual recipes you can follow and use to make your own special gifts. If you want to make a chocolate cocoa bomb, Maine had the cocoa mix recipe you can use with your molded chocolate! These are definitely yummy treats your friends and family will enjoy!
4-H offers a wide range of volunteer opportunities to fit your interests, skills, and schedule. For more information about Volunteering with 4-H, or to sign up to help youth develop their life skills, please contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office or visit Florida 4-H Website
by pmdavis | Nov 21, 2023

We love our Military Families!
November is a month many of us celebrate our families and have traditions we enjoy annually. November is also designated as the National Military Family Appreciation Month. For our military families it is a time when the country recognizes the nearly 5.2 million service members and their families. UF/IFAS Extension and 4-H are proud to be a part of the military family working with youth centers across the nation to have some consistency for military kids. 4-H works will military programs worldwide to support our military youth at bases and in local communities. We recognize that our military youth must cope with many circumstances while their parent or sibling is working often away from home. Causing a hole created by the absences during many life events. Military life imposes unique demands on the family, from a change in family structure to the stress of someone missing from events, to the worries of a family member being hurt while working.
Since many of us have a little extra time during the holidays there are several things you can do to show your support of our military members and their families. We as non military families celebrate with each other at family/friend gatherings etc. and sometimes forget that our military friends are away from home and missing these traditions. We can help celebrate, recognize, acknowledge, and show gratitude for those sacrifices our military family’s make so each of us can enjoy freedom by sharing our love.
You can do simple things to demonstrate your appreciation and gratitude for their sacrifice, resiliency, and courage.
Show your support by:

Celebrate our Freedom and express your appreciation to military families!
- Expressing Gratitude and appreciation: You can take a moment to thank military families for their sacrifices and service to the nation. You can send cards, write letters, if you do not know anyone here is a local organization that can help get them to the troops. December 1 is the deadline for Holiday themed cards to go out. You can give shout outs on social media using the hashtag #MilitaryFamilyAppreciation
- Sending care packages to veterans and military families overseas or donate to to Military Support Organizations.
- Giving the gift of time by: visiting a local veteran, spending time with a military family, or volunteering at a veterans organization (contact your local VFW, American Legion, VA hospital or veteran’s shelter).
- If you know a military family, open your doors to share the holidays with you by offering help with tasks like childcare, home maintenance, or meal preparation.
- You can also show your support by participating in community events and initiatives that celebrate and support military families in your area.
I hope you will join Florida 4-H #Florida4H and our Nation #MilitaryFamilyAppreciation to celebrate Military Family Month, by doing simple things to demonstrate your appreciation and gratitude to our military members and their families! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
by pmdavis | Sep 14, 2023

First meeting is Sept 26th at 5:30 EST
I am so thrilled to let you know about a new endeavor with Florida 4-H. We are trying a virtual Food Challenge cooking club this year. This is so exciting for me because some of my fondest memories are cooking with my grandmother and Mom. I got to learn how to prepare foods and be creative as I was growing up pulling on their apron strings. I also enjoyed teaching and sharing these skills with my own children. What makes this even better is now I get to share and learn with all of you who join our program.

Paula and Madelyn Cooking together
By joining the new Virtual 4-H Food Challenge Club, you will embark on a fun, yet challenging, food-focused adventure right from the comfort of your kitchen! The club adventure will provide a fun atmosphere for you and your children to have a family time experience building lasting memories together. With the help from Florida 4-H Youth Development Faculty, you will get to unleash your culinary creativity and try delicious recipes while learning kitchen skills from safety, nutrition, and other food related life skills. Families will learn about competitive events related to foods like the Florida Food Challenge Competition. Families will also have the opportunity to make friends with fellow 4-H members across the state.
The virtual club is open to youth members ages 8-18 and will meet once a month starting in September. The club will meet via ZOOM on the following Tuesdays: September 26th, October 24th, November 28th, December 19th, and January 23rd from 5:30 – 6:30 PM ET. We request that adult supervision is present with the youth during the meeting and home practice sessions. The participants will be asked to gather a list of supplies for each monthly meeting as we focus on a new skill for each meeting.

Paula’s family working with herbs to prepare a dish.
During this course we will help families enjoy preparing food, provide you with opportunities to problem solve together and work as a family team as practice preparation for the Florida 4-H Food Challenge! If you join us, your family will learn how to prepare and create yummy dishes with a predetermined set of ingredients. By the end of the program, your family should have some new recipes for your cooking toolbox, learned essential cooking skills and created wonderful memories from your time together. Do not miss this flavorful opportunity – sign up now via Florida 4-H Online and get cooking with 4-H! If you are not a member of a current 4-H Club there is a $20 membership fee associated with this club. If you are unable to join our virtual club, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office to see if there is an active Food Challenge group that you can join. If not, work with your 4-H or FCS Agent(s) to identify two caring adults who could fill this role.
Enroll, Grab your ingredients, and get ready to join us via Zoom on September 26th@ 5:30 EST