Green and white are the colors of 4-H but what else can you think of that is green and white? Money! So, how does 4-H livestock projects teach financial management for the youth who participate in these programs? I am so glad you ask. We will take a journey into the 4-H Livestock world where I will show you the $$$ and how youth learn financial management.
There are several ways for 4-H Livestock youth to earn money with their projects:
One of the most common ways is through livestock market and showmanship events. Youth can earn money base on how the animal is judges as well as how well the displayed/showed their animals.
Another common way is through participating in terminal shows in which the animal is sold during the event.
Youth can breed their animals and sell their offspring, or they can sell products their animal produces such as wool or eggs.
Youth can also earn premium money by submitting their project record books to be judged and by participating in livestock judging events.
Now that I have tackled how 4-H Livestock youth can earn money through their projects let look at money management. The 4-H Livestock project record books have sections to record expenditures as well as income. Youth learn if the project was profitable or not. As youth review expenditures, they have an opportunity to make decision such as if blank high-end feed is really worth the money or does a less expensive feed provides the same benefits. As most youth mature, their understanding of managing money in relationship to their project improves. They can carry that knowledge gained from their livestock project over to other areas of their lives. Project record book workshops assist youth in completing their project record book especially the financial portion. At times, these workshops have been eye openers for parents.
Many of my 4-H youth shared in their project stories how they were required to invest back into their project by purchasing their show animal for the next year. I have also read how many of my 4-H youth, set higher goals for the profits from their projects such as buying a car or saving for college. Here is a great example of how one 4-Her used her livestock project to save enough money to purchase a house!
Now that I have shown the money in 4-H Livestock project, you may be interested in learning more about the animal science projects offered through Florida 4-H. If you are interested in helping youth learn how to manage their money through their livestock project, consider becoming a 4-H volunteer. We offer a wide variety of volunteer roles to fit your interests, skills and schedule. Learn more at or contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office.
For more information about 4-H livestock projects, visit these links:
Over 70 teens from across the panhandle participated in last year’s retreat, sponsored by Farm Credit of NW FL.
Interested in meeting other 4-H teens across the district? Do you love camp? Would you like to be more prepared for state events like 4-H Legislature or 4-H U? What about scholarships for college? If any of these questions caught your attention, then Teen Retreat is tailor made for you! Last year, a committee of youth and adults put together a weekend event to help teens grow their leadership, communication and workforce skills. With lots of positive feedback from last year’s participants, we are planning another event for 2017.
WHO: Teens ages 13-18 in the Northwest District of Florida (4-H Districts I, II & III) WHAT: A fun weekend retreat with your peers WHEN: February 24-26, 2017 WHERE:Camp Timpoochee, Niceville, FL HOW: Workshops and fun shops will be planned and taught by youth committee members. Everyone will also participate in a service project. Participants will be expected to bring what they learn back to their county council and organize a similar service project April 28-30.
Youth participated in a Shoe Cutting Party to help Sole Hope, and organization that provides shoes to children in Africa. We were able to send nearly 200 pairs of shoes!
Registration will open Friday, December 9th via 4HOnline. The cost is only $75/person thanks to corporate donations from State Farm and Farm Credit of Northwest Florida. Participate in our Teen Retreat T-shirt Design Contest and you could win a $50.00 scholarship for this event! Check with your local UF IFAS Extension Office to inquire about any additional scholarships that may be available. Once you complete your registration online, submit your payment to your local UF IFAS Extension Office.
Have you ever heard the saying, “take time to stop and smell the roses?” With the hustle and bustle of daily life, this can be easier said than done! However, according to several studies, being intentional about gratitude can benefit you both physically and mentally. A Gratefulness Tree is a fun and creative way to help you be more intentional about the what you are grateful for.
I learned this project many years ago and I keep the first rendition (pictured on the right) which was really simplistic in my office as a constant visual reminder to count my blessings. The four H’s of 4-H, Head, Heart, Hands, and Health, are incorporated into this project, so consider this for a future 4-H club meeting activity as well!
These are the supplies you will need to create your tree.
Items needed for this project: Small branch(es) with leaves removed, vessel of choice, foam, sand, or soil to stabilize branches, pebbles for additional weight and stability, needle and thread to hang the leaves, leaf pattern and colorful paper, or purchased leaves. You will also need a gel pen or superfine marker to write on leaves, rubber bands, tape, and decorative seasonal napkins or florists’ moss to the base of the tree.
Even though this DIY project is presented in the month of November, this project can be done at any time during the year. On Thanksgiving Day or any designated day, have each family/club member and guest take a leaf off of the tree to read out loud.
Use tissue paper or florists’ foam to secure the branched in your decorative container.
The comings and goings of our daily lives can consume us at times. It can become easy to focus on the negatives or challenges we face because they cause of some sort of discomfort and forget to think of those things or people that bring joy and comfort to our lives. I hope this intentional project on gratefulness helps us all to “smell the roses” more often.
What do some of my leaves say? Well, here are a few examples of the things I am grateful for; food, good friends, willingness to forgive, sight, faith, family, and shelter. I will display the newest tree (pictured on the left) in my home and just like my first one it will gain more leaves over time.
Use a gel pen to write what you are thankful for on each leaf
Use decorative napkins, fabric, or even florists’ moss to cover the base of the tree.
This is what your Gratefulness Tree will look like when you are done.
“I pledge my head to clearer thinking” is part of the 4-H pledge. Clear thinking helps us to make wiser choices/decisions but when we are under a lot of stress our thinking can be cloudy and our bodies can experience short and long term negative effects.
Some consider me to be one of the most positive, inspiring people they know but I too have to deal with stress. Recently a lot of change has happened in my personal and professional life. Like many, I just pushed through with my daily routines. My body had been giving me clues, tension in shoulders, headaches, and the final kicker, elevated blood pressure. Gasp!
Stressed defined in “Fact Sheet on Stress” by National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) as the brain’s response to any demand. Yes, any demand can be a stress trigger. Often we see the word “stress” in a negative way but not all stress triggers are negative. For example, finding out you just landed your dream job and will have to move. What creates high stress in one person may not do the same in another person.
Prolonged unaddressed stress will have negative effects mentally, physically, or both. Know your personal stress thresholds and do not ignoring those signals. You don’t want to get the frowny face from your doctor like I did.
Though stress is a part of life, being prepared to deal with it is key to successful living. If one of your New Year’s Resolutions was to be more healthy, coping or reducing stress in your life and have many health benefits. There are several great publications from University of Florida IFAS Extension concerning recognizing and dealing with stress. Below are just a few.
A scribble bot was built by a team of Gadsden County 4-Hers during the “It’s Alive! Junk Drawer Robotics Day Camp.”
More than 60 youth participated in the district Junk Drawer Robotics Challenge this summer.
Everyone has a measure of creativity in them but how we express our creativity is our choice. What is creativity? I am glad you asked. Creativity is defined as the ability to make new things or think of new ideas. Creativity can be expressed in a tangible or intangible way. It is also the ability to take something known and present it or use it in a new way. So how does Florida 4-H grow creativity in our youth? Well, you know I am glad you asked that too. One way is that Florida 4-H provides opportunities for youth to express their creativity through their project work in one of the national 4-H initiatives: 4-H Science, Healthy Living, Citizenship, and Mentoring.
One of the ways that Florida 4-H is growing creativity is through our Junk Drawer Robotics Program. The 4-H Robotics Program is designed not only to teach youth about science and physics, but also the engineering design process. Every good engineer is creative! Several counties offered a day camp this summer to teach youth about forms of energy, gears, motors, switches, circuits, and pulleys. Then, they were given everyday “junk” to build a robot and make it move or complete a task using the science concepts they had learned. Youth worked in teams and used their creativity and curiosity to design, build, and test their robotics. Youth came together for a district challenge in July and will also have the opportunity to compete November 14th during 4-H Day at the North Florida Fair at the Junk Drawer Robotics Contest. Last year, more than 20 teams competed to build robots that could paint out of scrub brushes, solo cups, and toothbrushes.
Florida 4-H is sending a team of youth and volunteers to the National Maker Summit in Washington, DC November 7th. The Maker National Youth Summit is for the creative and curious young minds of the next generation of innovators. Participants make what they can with a variety of materials from a range of fields, utilizing their resourcefulness and creativity. That same weekend, a 4-H Tech Wizards Team will be hosting a SeaPerch Challenge during the 4-H Marine Ecology Event. SeaPerch is an underwater remote controlled robotic platform that Florida 4-Hers can participate in. Engaging in Florida 4-H from the county to state levels opens an array of opportunities for creative expression via leadership roles, volunteer service, public speaking, teaching, photography, talent showcase, culinary arts, and many other areas. Learn more about opportunities for youth on our webpage or watch this month’s Make a Difference Mondayvolunteer training on how to Navigate 4-H Events and Activities.
There are many opportunities with Florida 4-H for creativity expression but did you know many youth will not have the chance. Why, you ask? I am definitely glad you did. We need more adults who will be committed to the positive youth development process that happens with 4-H to become a club volunteer. Working with the local 4-H Agent as part of the leadership team, you will find many avenues as well for creativity expression and growth as you help local youth; “Make their Best Better.” Learn more about our volunteer opportunities with Florida 4-H: or contact your local UF IFAS Extension Office.
Counselors practices leadership skills by leading teambuilding activities at robotics day camps