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Meet the Author—Marie Arick

Marie Arick

Greetings, my name is Marie Arick and I am the County Extension Director, 4-H and Family & Consumer Sciences Agent in Liberty County. Beginning in 2019, I stepped into this complex, but rewarding position and have worked with volunteers, community partners and other Agents on some amazing projects.

The 4-H program provides a diverse array of opportunities for youth ages 8 to 18. One great example is the Liberty County Livestock Club. This club provides a variety of animal projects and agricultural judging opportunities. As an Agent, I support my volunteers with curriculum, training opportunities and fund raising. This club successfully fund-raised enough money to buy a set of portable livestock scales to aid with animal projects.

School enrichment is a large part of 4-H programming for Liberty County youth. The two most successful are the Ag Adventures and the Embryology in the Classroom programs. Ag Adventures introduces youth to many crops and their uses. While teaching cotton in the field during this program, it surprised me how many youths did not know that our ‘paper’ money contains cotton. With embryology, each year is met with excitement when we enter the classroom with the incubators and eggs. The daily lessons include learning the parts of the egg and following the growth of the chick. Egg candling sessions allow me the opportunity to see how much the kids have learned and there is no shortage of enthusiasm when the chicks hatch. While Covid-19 did inhibit Ag Adventures for 2020, it did not stop Embryology. All incubators and supporting equipment along with the eggs were delivered to the schools. Lesson videos were created and other supporting materials were all placed on a closed Google site for the teachers to utilize.

Embryology Google Site






4-H University Cheese Making



As an Agent, one experience that never gets old is to ask a group of 4-H youth if they think they can transform a gallon of milk, using a few additional ingredients and a recipe, into mozzarella cheese. I absolutely love watching the skeptics successfully participate in the workshop and create their mozzarella cheese. In the process, these youth learn about food safety, kitchen safety, recipe literacy and adherence. The ‘learn by doing’ motto drives this experience.

Prior to adding 4-H to my Extension Agent assignment, I still incorporated youth into my Jackson County Family & Consumer Sciences programming, specifically culinary arts. Cooking is a life skill, we all eat! What better way to introduce food safety, kitchen safety, nutrition, and a variety of food preparation methods to youth than through culinary arts. Once I transitioned into a 4-H role, I added cheese making, grilling, food challenge, food preservation and more. Kids are more likely to try a new food, or an old favorite prepared in a healthier manner, if they make it themselves.

Carlos Staley, UF Intern

The above programs have shown great success, but 4-H offers a broad range of programs and there is something for everyone. My reward is each child’s success. It is even more gratifying when a former high school student that participated in the culinary arts school enrichment program for two years is now attending UF studying food science. The icing on the cake, so to speak, is when he becomes your UF summer intern!

I am a Mississippi State University graduate with a BS in Exercise Science and a MS in Health Promotion. After a long stint in the medical field, I transitioned to my second career choosing Extension. I began working with Texas A & M AgriLife Extension prior to transitioning to the University of Florida IFAS Extension in 2015. Extension is extremely rewarding, but in my down time I enjoy kayaking, gardening, and reading.

Now is the Time To Get Involved in the Florida 4-H Horse Program

Now is the Time To Get Involved in the Florida 4-H Horse Program

Did you know the Florida 4-H Horse Program offers horse shows, horse judging, Hippology, public speaking, demonstrations, illustrated talks, quiz bowl, horsemanship schools, and even scholarships?

Youth posing with horse at horse show.

Youth at the 2019 Area North Horse Show in Clay County, FL on May 11, 2019.

September 1, 2021 starts the new 4-H year, and now is the time to get involved! The Florida 4-H Horse Program consists of all the programs mentioned above, and only a few of those events actually requires owning a horse. The horse program has something for everyone, and the best part is that you get involved with youth focused, horse loving community. Below, we will introduce you to each part of the program, but if you have more questions, be sure to reach out to your county agent. For this article, we will look at programs where you do not need to own or lease a horse, and programs where you do. So let’s get started!

Horseless Programs (No horse needs to be owned or leased)

Horse Judging

Youth on horses competing in area at horse show.

Youth compete at the 2019 Area North Horse Show in Clay County, FL on May 11, 2019

About: In horse judging, youth are presented classes of horses, and they are asked to evaluate each class, place them, and present oral reasons. This competition teaches youth to look at horses and evaluate the based on both confirmation and function. To watch a short video outlining the details of the competition, click here.

Important Dates:

February 2022: Florida State Fairy Horse Judging Contest, Tampa, Florida

March/Early April 2022: State 4-H and FFA Horse Judging Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the UF 4-H Horse Judging Website.

Quiz Bowl

About: Quiz bowl is a trivia style contest with both individual and team components. Topics range from practical hands on knowledge to horse industry knowledge. To learn more about these events, watch a short video here.

Important Dates:

June 1, 2022 (not yet officially announced, but same as years past) – State Entry Deadline

June 2022- State 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking.


About: Hippology includes all aspects of horse knowledge and covers topics ranging from judging to feedstuffs identification. Hippology includes practical horse management knowledge combining it with the experience and knowledge from all the other contests (Judging, quiz bowl, public speaking, etc.). To watch a short video outlining the details of the competition, click here.

Important Dates:

March/Early April 2022 (not yet officially announced, but same as years past): State 4-H Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the UF 4-H Hippology Website.

Public Speaking/Demonstrations/and Illustrated Talks

About: In these events, youth get to explore an area of interest as it relates to horses, then create a presentation to share it with others. These events have a county, district, and in some cases a state level. To learn more about these events, watch a short video here.

Important Dates:

Most counties have a qualification process, that differs across the state. Check with your county agent for the specifics on the county and district qualifying events.

June 1, 2022 (not yet officially announced, but same as years past) – State Entry Deadline

June 2022- State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking site.


About: The Florida 4-H Horse scholarship program aims to reward youth who are demonstrated an intense passion and advancement in the Florida 4-H Horse Program. These scholarships have their own specific requirements and awards. For More information, please visit the Florida 4-H Equine Scholarships Summary here.

To watch a short video outlining the details of the opportunities, click here.

Important Dates:

June 1, 2022 (not yet officially announced, but same as years past) – Scholarship Applications are due

*Be sure to work closely with your county 4-H agent to ensure this process goes smoothly.

Project Horse Programs (A horse must be owned/leased by youth)

Area and State Horse Shows

Two youth riding horses

Photo Credit: Julie Andrews Photography Youth at the 2019 Area North Horse Show in Clay County, FL on May 11, 2019.

About: Each year, Florida 4-H hosts Area Shows to qualify for the State 4-H Horse Show. To learn more about these shows watch this short video which introduces the Florida 4-H Horse Shows.

Important Dates and Information:

If you want to compete at your Area Horse Show, you need to be aware of the following items:

  1. December 31, 2021- The Florida 4-H Horse Certification Form should be submitted to the county 4-H on or before December 31, 2021 to qualify to pa

Youth displaying ribbon after placing in a horse show class at the 2022 Area North Horse Show.

rticipate in the Area North Horse Show and the State 4-H Horse show. This form must be completed each year, even if you are using the same horse as a previous year. A youth should do this for each horse they intend to show or use to participate in 4-H shows with.

    1. Find the form here: Florida 4-H Horse Certification Form
  1. December 31, 2021- A Horse Lease Form should be completed and submitted if a youth wants to participate with a horse that is not owned by the youth. Even if you are borrowing the horse without a fee, youth must have a Horse Lease Form on file with the local county 4-H office.
    1. Find the form here: Horse Lease Form
  1. The Florida 4-H Horse Project Record Book is a great way to track and demonstrate your growth throughout the year.
    1. Find the project book here: Florida 4-H Horse Project Book

Each county has their own specific guidelines and requirements. Please be sure to check when your county offices are closed for the holidays as they may not be open on the final day the form is due. Contact your county office if you have any questions or concerns regarding county specific requirements. For more information about Florida 4-H Horse Project opportunities visit the State 4-H Horse Events site.

Horsemanship Schools

About: Horsemanship school is a week long program geared at teaching and equipping youth with the knowledge and tools needed to be successful and grow as horseman. There are three program offerings: Western week, English week, and Cowboy Camp (male 4-H youth). To watch a short video outlining the details of the opportunities, click here.

Important Dates:

Youth at Horsemanship School in Niceville, Florida before camps were moved to Gainesville.

Summer 2022 – Cowboy Camp, Gainesville, Florida

Summer 2022 – Western Week, Gainesville, Florida

Summer 2022 – English Week, Gainesville, Florida

For more information, please visit the UF Horsemanship School website.

The Florida 4-H Horse program is abounding in opportunities, so come join our community of horse loving youth and adults focused on “making the best, better”!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us!

You can find your local county 4-H office here.

*Photo Credits belong to:

Julie Andrews Photography, 2019 Area North Horse Show, Clay County, Florida.

*All Photos were taken prior to COVID-19 lockdown and policies.

Celebrate National “Take a Kid Fishing” Day with 4-H!

photo of a girl with a fishing pole and fishIf you need a good reason to go fishing, we’ve got you!  Today is National Take a Kid Fishing Day, and we can’t think of a better reason to promote our 4-H fishing project. Our 4-H fishing project connects youth to the great outdoors and is an opportunity for youth to learn about:

  • Important angling skills, like casting and retrieving your line.
  • Different types of tackle and how they are used to catch fish.
  • How to take proper care of your rod and reel.
  • Cleaning and cooking your fish.
  • Ecology of aquatic and marine environments.
  • How to identify the different types of sportfish and how to catch them.
  • What it means to be a responsible angler.

Youth also learn about careers related to fisheries and wildlife, and their importance to the Florida economy. Florida is often called the fishing capitol of the world because the state holds more record fish catches than any other state or country! Fishing is important for many different reasons. Recreational fishing is a major economical driver in the state of Florida.  The sunshine state has approximately 4 million anglers that contribute $13.8 billion to Florida’s economy supporting over 120,000 local jobs.

If you have a passion for fishing and the environment, please consider sharing your skills and knowledge with youth. 4-H can customize volunteer roles to fit your interest and

group of youth and adult after fishing

Group of 4-H youth, volunteers, and agent enjoying the wonders of the outdoors

schedule so you can inspire the next generation of anglers. Contact your local UF IFAS Extension office to discuss how you can contribute to “making the best better” in your community.

If your child or grandchild is interested in participating in our fishing program, check out our Sports Fishing Project page, or reach out to your local 4-H agent. The University of Florida school of Forestry, Fisheries, and Geomatic Sciences sponsors a program called “Fishing for Success.”  This program includes several family fishing days where they provide everything you need to fish and have fun!

Fold the Perfect Paper Airplane

May 26th is National Paper Airplane Day, and what better way to celebrate than learn to fold the perfect paper airplane?  Paper airplanes are a fun way to teach young people about physics and spark their interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). You can also use this activity to promote teambuilding or as a recreational activity for your next club meeting.

To fold the perfect paper airplane, you need a basic understanding of the four forces of flight: lift, drag, thrust, and weight.

  • Thrust is the force that moves the airplane in the direction of motion. Thrust is created when air is pulled in and then pushed out in an opposite direction. In a real aircraft, thrust is created by a propeller, engine, or rocket. In the case of the paper airplane, thrust is created when you release the airplane from your hand.
  • Drag is the force that is the opposite of thrust. It slows the airplane down. Drag is created by friction. The more aerodynamic your design, the less drag your plane will experience.
  • Weight is the force caused by gravity. It pulls your paper airplane down.
  • Lift is the opposite force to weight. Lift helps hold your paper airplane up in the air. The wings of your airplane help generate lift.

This video provides a short and easy to understand explanation of how these four forces affect a paper airplane.

There are many different ways to fold a paper airplane, but this post will cover three basic folds that can be customized for different flight effects.  The first fold is the dart. Like he name implies, the dart fold will result in an airplane that will fly longer distances at faster speeds. If you want to have a contest for which plane can go the fastest and farthest, then the dart fold is your best option. Watch this short video to master the dart fold:

The second fold to learn is the glider. The glider fold will result in an airplane that is slower than the dart, but will stay in the air for a longer period of time. The glider has wider wings that help keep the plane lifted in the air and make the plane more stable. Watch this video to master the glider fold:

Finally, it is always fun to learn how to fold a plane that will loop the loop!  This is the most difficult of the three folds to master, but will result in a paper airplane that will do fun aerobatic tricks. You will have better results with this fold after you have mastered both the dart and glider folds. Watch this video to learn how to fold the stunt plane.

If you enjoyed this activity at home, consider participating in a summer day camp or join a 4-H club for year long learning and fun with a purpose!  Contact your local UF IFAS Extension Office to find out about opportunities available in your community.

More Resources:

Check out the Florida 4-H Aerospace Project

Try building a paper Mars Helicopter from NASA


It’s a New Year in the Florida 4-H Horse Program

It’s a New Year in the Florida 4-H Horse Program

Did you know the Florida 4-H Horse Program offers horse shows, horse judging, Hippology, public speaking, demonstrations, illustrated talks, quiz bowl, horsemanship schools, and even scholarships?

January kicks off the new year of the Florida 4-H Horse Program, and now is the time to get involved! The Florida 4-H Horse Program consists of all the programs mentioned above, and only a few of those events actually requires owning a horse. The horse program has something for everyone, and the best part is that you get involved with youth focused, horse loving community. Below, we will introduce you to each part of the program, but if you have more questions, be sure to reach out to your county agent. For this article, we will look at programs where you do not need to own or lease a horse, and programs where you do. So let’s get started!

Horseless Programs (No horse needs to be owned or leased)

Horse Judging

About: In horse judging, youth are presented classes of horses, and they are asked to evaluate each class, place them, and present oral reasons. This competition teaches youth to look at horses and evaluate the based on both confirmation and function. To watch a short video outlining the details of the competition, click here.

Important Dates:

February 8, 2020: Florida State Fairy Horse Judging Contest, Tampa, Florida

April 4, 2020: State 4-H and FFA Horse Judging Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the UF 4-H Horse Judging Website.

Quiz Bowl

About: Quiz bowl is a trivia style contest with both individual and team components. Topics range from practical hands on knowledge to horse industry knowledge. To learn more about these events, watch a short video here.

Important Dates:

June 1, 2020 – State Entry Deadline

June 20, 2020- State 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking.


Youth visiting a local veterinary office for a tour.

About: Hippology includes all aspects of horse knowledge and covers topics ranging from judging to feedstuffs identification. Hippology includes practical horse management knowledge combining it with the experience and knowledge from all the other contests (Judging, quiz bowl, public speaking, etc.). To watch a short video outlining the details of the competition, click here.

Important Dates:

April 4 & 5, 2020: State 4-H Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the UF 4-H Hippology Website. 

Public Speaking/Demonstrations/and Illustrated Talks

About: In these events, youth get to explore an area of interest as it relate

Tucker Padgett gives a public speech at the 2020 Escambia County 2020 County Events.

s to horses, then create a presentation to share it with others. These events have a county, district, and in some cases a state level. To learn more about these events, watch a short video here.

Important Dates:

Most counties have a qualification process, that differs across the state. Check with your county agent for the specifics on the county and district qualifying events.

June 1, 2020 – State Entry Deadline

June 20, 2020- State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking Contest, Gainesville, Florida

For More information, please visit the State 4-H Horse Demonstrations and Public Speaking site.


About: The Florida 4-H Horse scholarship program aims to reward youth who are demonstrated an intense passion and advancement in the Florida 4-H Horse Program. These scholarships have their own specific requirements and awards. For More information, please visit the Florida 4-H Equine Scholarships Summary here.

To watch a short video outlining the details of the opportunities, click here.

Important Dates:

June 1, 2020- Scholarship Applications are due

*Be sure to work closely with your county 4-H agent to ensure this process goes smoothly.

Project Horse Programs (A horse must be owned/leased by youth)

Area and State Horse Shows

About: Each year, Florida 4-H hosts Area Shows to qualify for the State 4-H Horse Show. To learn more about these shows watch this short video which introduces the Florida 4-H Horse Shows.

Important Dates and Information:

If you want to compete at your Area Horse Show, you need to be aware of the following items:

  1. December 31, 2020- The Florida 4-H Horse Certification Form should be submitted to the county 4-H on or before December 31, 2020 to qualify to pa

    Youth displaying ribbon after placing in a horse show class at the 2019 Area North Horse Show.

    rticipate in the Area North Horse Show and the State 4-H Horse show. This form must be completed each year, even if you are using the same horse as a previous year. A youth should do this for each horse they intend to show or use to participate in 4-H shows with.

    1. Find the form here: Florida 4-H Horse Certification Form
  1. December 31, 2020- A Horse Lease Form should be completed and submitted if a youth wants to participate with a horse that is not owned by the youth. Even if you are borrowing the horse without a fee, youth must have a Horse Lease Form on file with the local county 4-H office.
    1. Find the form here: Horse Lease Form
  1. The Florida 4-H Horse Project Record Book is a great way to track and demonstrate your growth throughout the year.
    1. Find the project book here: Florida 4-H Horse Project Book

Each county has their own specific guidelines and requirements. Please be sure to check when your county offices are closed for the holidays as they may not be open on the final day the form is due. Contact your county office if you have any questions or concerns regarding county specific requirements. For more information about Florida 4-H Horse Project opportunities visit the State 4-H Horse Events site.

Horsemanship Schools

About: Horsemanship school is a week long program geared at teaching and equipping youth with the knowledge and tools needed to be successful and grow as horseman. There are three program offerings: Western week, English week, and Cowboy Camp (male 4-H youth). To watch a short video outlining the details of the opportunities, click here.

Important Dates:

Youth at Horsemanship School in Niceville, Florida before camps were moved to Gainesville.

May 31-June 5, 2020 – Cowboy Camp, Gainesville, Florida

June 7- 12, 2020 – Western Week, Gainesville, Florida


June 14-19, 2020 – English Week, Gainesville, Florida

For more information, please visit the UF Horsemanship School website.

The Florida 4-H Horse program is abounding in opportunities, so come join our community of horse loving youth and adults focused on “making the best, better”!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us!

You can find your local county 4-H office here.

*Photo Credits belong to:

Julie Andrews Photography, 2019 Area North Horse Show, Clay County, Florida.

Anne Peterson, Escambia County 4-H Volunteer

Aly Schortinghouse, Escambia County 4-H

*All Photos were taken prior to COVID-19 lockdown and policies.

4-H Virtual Ag Judging Opportunity

photo of perennial peanut field

Photo credit: Evie Blount, UF IFAS Gadsden County

Are you sad about the North Florida Fair being canceled this year? Well we are too! Even though we are all going to miss the rides and the fair foods (especially the funnel cakes) we don’t have to miss out on all the fair activities! The Consumer Choice, Horticulture Identification, and Agricultural Judging Contest will all still be taking place on November 14th. They will all be virtual, and they are open to Florida 4-H members ages 8-18.

Judging contests are a great way for youth to learn skills to prepare them for work and life, such as decision making, teamwork and public speaking!  To help youth prepare for the virtual ag judging contest, we will have a workshop on November 5th at 5:30PM eastern. Registration for this workshop and the contest are available in 4Honline. Once you register, you will be provided a secure link to join. The deadline to register for the workshop and contest is November 5th. For the contest, there is a small entry fee of $5.00 per participant.

If you have any questions, please email Evie Blount ( or Chris Decubellis ( We had so much fun creating this contest virtually and are super excited for youth all over the state to participate!

Check out these blog posts about how judging contests teach life skills:

Watch our webinar on judging contest basics:

For livestock judging study materials, check out these links:

Livestock Judging Guide (Kansas)

Livestock Judging Explore Guide (Texas)

Livestock Judging EDIS Factsheet (Florida)