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Volunteers are the Heart of 4-H

Volunteers are the Heart of the 4-H youth program in each of our counties, throughout Florida, and throughout the United States and worldwide.  4-H volunteers truly have the best interest of youth as their major consideration.  After several years of working with 4-H volunteers in two different states, volunteers stated their reason for volunteering with 4-H is the joy of watching youth grow and mature into productive young adults.  Comments from 4-H agents and volunteers from other states echoed the same reason for being a 4-H Volunteer and for continuing serving in a 4-H volunteer role years after their children were no longer in 4-H.  photo of volunteer helping 4-H'ers make pizza dough

After several volunteer surveys through the years concerning what form of recognition preferred by 4-H volunteers, the number one answer was a thank you from the youth and county 4-H program.  Our second top survey answer was a financial scholarship for special 4-H training on a district, state, regional, or national level.  We sometimes think we need to lavish our volunteers with special awards, but sometimes just a heartfelt thank you and appreciation for their skills and commitment to the 4-H youth in their club, county, district, and even on the state level.

Volunteer helping 4-H'ers with outdoor education classValue and appreciate your 4-H volunteers in your county.  Keep them informed and involved of current opportunities for growth and development of their leadership skills.  Be sure to design volunteer jobs to fit your volunteer’s special skills, interest, and knowledge. Use creativity when recruiting new 4-H volunteers. Think outside the “norm” for volunteers.  There are many retired adults that would love to share their skills with 4-H youth.  Look for teachers to share 4-H in the classroom. Look for coaches and physical education resources for healthy lifestyle mentors and/or volunteers. Don’t forget all those other volunteers in your Extension office, Master Gardeners, Home Community Educators, and Master Naturalists.

One of the great benefits of 4-H is that we can design a volunteer position to fit a volunteers needs and time commitment, from a special interest project of only six hours to a volunteers that continues to serve twenty years after her children graduate from 4-H.  4-H is a place for every child and for every volunteer to grow in a safe environment. Thanks to all our volunteers in the North West District. Volunteer helping 4-H'er learn how to make jelly

Kay D Brown

Escambia County



Risk Management – Protecting Youth AND Volunteers

Julie Pigott Dillard

Everything we do on a daily basis involves a certain amount of risk.  When working with youth, it’s your responsibility as a volunteer to reduce and/or eliminate as much risk as possible.  By taking a pro-active approach to risk management, you’ll identify potential risks of injury and make sure steps are in place to control the situation as much as possible.

Risk can take several forms including physical, reputation, emotional and financial risk.  Taking these four areas into account when planning events and activities will protect not only the youth participant but also adults involved.

Risk reduction is the major focus of a risk management plan, and your plan should be written out. Put safety first in all activities and events with the following tools:

Plan – have an agenda and action plan for the event

  • Anticipate – review the agenda, think and visualize what might present potential problems
  • Prepare – have enough adult help with assigned jobs, have all materials you need
  • Understand – the ages, readiness and willingness of your youth

Review –

Florida 4-H policies or procedures

participation forms

out of county contact forms

event insurance

The ultimate goal is to create a safe environment for youth where they know they are cared for, where they can experience success and where youth can be a positive influence in their world.

Your county 4-H Youth Development Agent is responsible for providing you with training in risk management and will assist you in developing risk management plans for activities and events.  For further information, contact your 4-H Youth Development Agent and visit the volunteer page of

Staying Connected Over the Summer

Jackson County 4-H Agent
Jackson County Extension Office
2741 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 3
Marianna, FL   32448
(850) 482-9620
(850) 482-9287

Do you find yourself struggling to get your 4-H club going at the start of a new 4-H year? The turnout for your May club meeting was wonderful, but September rolls around and it is just you and the crickets. Here are some ideas to help you stay connected with club members over the summer and ensure that everyone will be ready for a new 4-H year.

•Set a time and a place for your September meeting and get the word out. Share this information with club members, parents and your 4-H Agent before adjourning the May club meeting.

•Inform club members and parents of local summer 4-H programs. Day and residential camps are great opportunities for youth to stay in touch with their fellow 4-H club members.
•Use social media to keep in touch. Most county 4-H Programs are using Facebook. Ask your 4-H Agent to post summertime “shout outs” to your club members.