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4-H in the Panhandle

UF/IFAS Extension

Let’s Go Back Outside!

Many youth today are suffering from a serious, preventable disorder that is the result of early age experiences and if not properly diagnosed or treated, may cause severe mental health issues up through adulthood.  This disorder I’m referring to is called...

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From the Heart

February has long been associated with heart related events.  Of course, there is Valentine’s Day, a day of love.  Additionally, the full month is devoted to a focus on heart health.  Continuing on this heart related theme, I want to focus on generosity.  Generosity...

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4-H Club Meeting Ideas

Here are activities to help members get to know each other, break up cliques, and decrease disruptions during meetings. Birthday Line-up Have members line up in a straight line by their birth date without talking to each other. Depending on the age of the club members...

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Explore the Outdoors!

As we roll from fall into winter, many of us begin pulling out the warm clothes and preparing for some time indoors. We have such beautiful weather along the gulf coast that most of us usually dread the end of summer. However, this time of year doesn’t have to be the...

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