Aquatic scenePesticide Training and License Exams being offered at the University of Florida IFAS Extension Okaloosa County Office.

March 31, 2014

8am-11am     Aquatic Pest Control Training

11am              Aquatic Pest Control Exam

1pm-4pm       Natural Areas Weed Management Training

4pm               Natural Areas Weed Management Exam

Cost is $10 for Aquatic Training and $10 for Natural Areas Training

To receive a new Aquatic or Natural Areas pesticide license, you must have previously passed the CORE exam.

Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in these categories have been applied for, and are awaiting approval from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

For more information or to RSVP, Call 850-689-5850 or email

Register and Pay online at

Here is the program announcement flyer: Aquatic and Natural Areas Training and Exam Flyer