Be cautious with timber sales. Make sure you have s signed, wrtitten agreement with a bonded company before the first tree is harvested. Photo credit: Alter-Bevis Farm in Jackson County-Doug Mayo.

Be cautious with timber sales. Make sure you multiple quotes and have s signed, written agreement with a reputable company before the first tree is harvested. Photo credit: Alter-Bevis Farm in Jackson County-Doug Mayo.

A growing number of Panhandle landowners have limited experience when it comes to managing and marketing timber.  In many cases it is an heir, or a next generation land owner who actually manages the timber sales for the family farm.  Be aware that there are unscrupulous timber harvesters out there who promise landowners a fair deal, harvest the trees, and disappear without making payment to the landowner.  Unfortunately this has happened to several families in Jackson County the past two years.  The Florida Department of Agriculture does have a Law Enforcement Investigator working these cases, but you don’t want to end up in that situation.

Barry Stafford, Florida Forest Service’s Jackson County Forester has compiled a list of things to be aware of and consider before selling your timber:

Before Selling Timber

  • Seek advice from a professional forester

  • What are your management goals?

  • What are the tax advantages/disadvantages of selling timber?

  • Receive quotes from several timber buyers to get the best price

  • Know your property boundaries.

  • Before you sell, know your product(s): pulpwood, chip-n-saw, saw-timber, poles, etc.

  • Have a signed, written contract

If you have limited experience in the timber business, your County Forester can be an extremely valuable resource.  Don’t throw away years of investment based on a verbal deal with a stranger. They may have all of the equipment and expertise, but seek out professional help to make sure you have been given a fair quote, and have a legally binding agreement with a bonded company before the trees are cut.

In addition to assistance with marketing, County Foresters provide consultations on a variety of topics:

County Forester Assistance

  1. Current Timber Market

  2. Insect and Disease Identification

  3. Information on Federal Cost-share Programs

  4. Area Burning Regulations

  5. Prescribed Fire Management Plan

  6. Forest Management Plan

  7. Forest Consultant List

  8. Tree Planting Contractor List

  9. Timber Buyer List

  10. Master Logger List

  11. Tree Removal Business List

  12. Forestry Best Management Practices

For more information on private forest management, contact your County Forester, or visit their website at


Doug Mayo
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