Frank and Ann had been farming together for over 20 years. Unfortunately, they spent so much time together they got on each others nerves all of the time. After Church one Sunday they waited around to speak with the Pastor. They explained their challenges and he suggested that what they needed was a weekend together away from the farm at a marriage retreat. They agreed and went home and registered for an event to be held a few weeks away in a nearby city.
While attending the retreat, they listened to the instructor declare, “It is essential that husbands and wives get to know the things that are important to each other.” First he addressed the ladies. He said, “Ladies what does your husband enjoy doing most when he has free time?” Several ladies responded, and then Ann held up her hand. After being recognized she said, “Frank loves to hunt. He gets the crops harvested and then disappears every morning except Sundays for weeks.”
He then addressed the men: “Can you name and describe your wife’s favorite flower?” Frank smiled, and immediately held up his hand. When the instructor called on him he jumped up and blurted out, “I know this one! Gold Medal, Self-Rising”
Frank was admitted to the Emergency Room with multiple stab wounds from the Marriage Retreat ink pen Ann was holding. The police came to the hospital and asked if Frank wanted to press charges. He said, “No I think I have done enough damage to our marriage for one day!”
If you enjoyed this week’s joke, you might also enjoy others from previous weeks: Friday Funny
Farm folks always enjoy sharing good jokes, photos and stories. If you have a good, clean joke, particularly one that pertains to agriculture, or a funny photo that you took on the farm, send it in and we will share it with our readers.
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