by Kalyn Waters | Feb 17, 2017
Synchronization protocols can be confusing, especially for producers new to Artificial Insemination (A.I.), however with a new product on the market, even the most experienced producers need to be aware of dosage differences in prostaglandin products, even if they...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 17, 2017
Don Shurley, Cotton Economist, UGA Professor Emeritus The 2017 cotton market appears to be on increasingly stable and improved economic footing compared to 2016. Prices for the 2017 crop (Dec17 futures) have now (this week) edged above 74 cents and the highest level...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 17, 2017
The 32nd annual Northwest Florida Beef Conference & Trade Show was held on February 8, 2017 in Marianna, at the Jackson County Extension Office. Five speakers provided information to help beef cattle ranchers focus on “Crucial Management in Challenging...
by Doug Mayo | Feb 17, 2017
This week’s featured video is actually a series of four videos that showcase high-tech robots for dairy farms. The Lely Corporation has developed several automated robots for specific daily chores on dairies; from automatically milking cows whenever they want...
by Matthew Orwat | Feb 10, 2017
Both niche market farmers and home gardeners may be uncertain about late winter management of Satsuma trees. Several questions that have come in to the Extension Office recently include: Should I prune my trees? Why are the leaves yellow? How soon should I...