Fireweed (Urtica chamaedryoides)

Currently, across the Panhandle of Florida and the Southeast, Fireweed is popping up around structures, fence lines and other areas where bare dirt is present.

Fireweed is well known for its stinging hairs that are easily embedded in the skin. These hairs carry toxins that cause extreme irritation for hours, if your skin is exposed to them, leading to the common name of Stinging Nettles. The leaves of Fireweed closely resemble a strawberry plant leaf, however, the plant as a whole has little resemblance. The stinging hairs have been known to cause respiratory stress and local allergic reaction when ingested or inhaled.

For help identifying weeds or developing a control plan for your operation, please contact your county extension agent. 

For more information on this topic please see the following UF/IFAS Publication:

Fireweed (Heartleaf Nettle) Control in Pastures


Kalyn Waters
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