ridas top 15 cattle counties

Florida’s top 15 cattle counties (Elina Shirazi/Fox News)

This week’s featured video was a published news story from Fox News to raise awareness about a serious issue. Florida’s 500 year old cattle industry is shrinking.  The main culprit is development in Florida.  St. Johns County Rancher, Allan Roberts and UF/IFAS Beef Specialist, Matt Hersom were interviewed for the story.

According to Elina Shirazi, Fox News, “Florida loses about 175,000 acres of farmland each year while at the same time nearly 1,000 people move to Florida each day. In 2008, Florida had almost two million cattle. Ten years later, the state had a little over 1.6 million head.” 

Use the following link to view the news report:  https://video.foxnews.com/v/6029481368001/


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