This week’s featured video was produced by the UGA Peanut Team, and features Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist.  In this video, Dr. Abney shares tips for scouting for lesser cornstalk borers in early season peanuts.  Before selecting a control option, scouts and growers need to make sure the situation is serious enough to warrant an insecticide application.  If insecticides are needed, the chart below from the Peanut Chapter of the UGA Pest Control Handbook provides three options for Lesser Cornstalk Borers in peanut fields.

The above recommendations for Lesser Cornstalk Borer control came from page 3 of the Peanut Chapter of the UGA Pest Control Handbook.


If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check out the featured videos from previous weeks:  Friday Features

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