This week’s featured video does not follow the typical pattern of videos I highlight each week, but I thought it was worth introducing you to a very interesting and humorous TV series available through Amazon Prime. Recently Jeremy Clarkson, British television star, bought a 1,000 acre farm in Chadlington, England.  This reality show is very funny as you watch a rich man gain some hard life lessons trying to learn how to manage a crop and sheep farm with no prior experience.  It also provides some interesting insights on the type of regulation that exists on farms in England.  This show is mainly meant to be entertaining, but it does also offer some perspective on farm life, and the universal challenges faced by farmers all over the world:  weather, difficult timelines, and changing markets.  It also provides the general public a glimpse of the hard truth about how farms were affected by the COVID19 pandemic, with prices off 40% at no fault of the farmer.  Don’t misunderstand, this is hardly a serious professional farmer show like you might watch on RFD TV, the primary purpose is humorous agritainment.   Watch the trailer and you will get a taste for this zany show.  Season 1 is currently available with 8 episodes, and a second season has been announced and is in production for future release.

If you are a hard core cable or satellite TV watcher, you may not have discovered the booming industry of streaming television entertainment.  If you live in a rural area, which I know many of you do, you likely have not watched much streaming entertainment because you have weak internet service.  However, if you are already an Amazon Prime member, you can watch a fairly wide range of entertainment through their streaming service.  This video highlights something I found recently that my family and I really enjoyed.  Mind you my kids are all adults now, so be prepared for adult language, if you choose to tune in.  This is not something I would watch with young children in the room.



If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check out others from the featured video archives:  Friday Feature Archive

If you come across an interesting, inspiring, humorous or something new and innovative related to agriculture, please send in a link, so we can share it with our readers.  Use the share button from the YouTube or Facebook video you like and send the link via email to:  Doug Mayo

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