Farm-City Week starts next Wednesday, so I wanted to share a good video to help people learn about agriculture.  According to the Mariam-Webster Dictionary, “Agronomy is a branch of agriculture dealing with field-crop production and soil management.”  In this week’s featured video, the Central Valley Ag (CVA) Marketing Team shares a good overview of modern agronomy.  Agronomy is one of those technical agriculture terms that consumers may not fully understand.  According to CVA of agronomy is,  “Agronomy is the science of soil management and crop production. It’s essential to learn the soil’s characteristics and how the soil works together with the growing crop. Agronomy impacts many resources we need in the world with the most important resource being food.”  This is a great video to share on social media to teach people about the science of crop production.  If you want to share this video on your social media page, the link for it is:


If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check out others from the featured video archives:  Friday Feature Archive

If you come across an interesting, inspiring, humorous or something new and innovative related to agriculture, please send in a link, so we can share it with our readers.  Use the share button from the YouTube or Facebook video you like and send the link via email to:  Doug Mayo

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