Ashley Kuhn, Communications Coordinator, and Marcelo Wallau, Forage Extension Specialist, UF/IFAS Agronomy Department
Have you seen our new and improved UF Forage Team website? We now have a hub for quick and easy access to all things related to forages for Florida!
The UF/IFAS Forage Team consists of a wide range of research and extension faculty who provide reliable information for livestock producers, forage managers, professional workers in the livestock/forage industry, and anyone seeking information about forage crops grown in Florida. On our new website, you will find lots of information about our main programs, publications, events, and tools that can help you in decision-making for your operation.
In Florida, it is possible to grow a myriad of forage species: from tropical C4 grasses to subtropical legumes, ranging from high productivity, bioenergy-type canes to brassicas for small ruminants. To identify and develop forage materials that are well adapted to our conditions in Florida, the Forage Breeding program has released over 47 cultivars in the past several years, not including biofuel and turfgrasses. Those releases range from more reliable bahiagrass and bermudagrass cultivars to nematode-resistant clovers, and from more productive tetraploid ryegrasses to rust-resistant oat varieties, which help our farmers to reduce the cost of production and improve the productivity of their operation with the same amount of resources! On our website, you will find a list of released varieties as well as companies that sell the seed.
You can find a selection of the most relevant forage-related articles from the “Ask IFAS” platform (formerly EDIS) on the Forage Team website under the “Technical Information” block. The publications are organized by category on all you need to know about forage breeds, management, quality, and other topics related to forage and livestock production. On the website, you can also find upcoming events, programs, tools, and resources created by the Forage Team.
Recently launched tools such as the UF Silage Hybrid Decision Tool and the Hay Balancer are featured on the website under the “Tools” block on the homepage. Those are decision support tools that can help you choose the right corn or sorghum hybrid, or balance cattle diet based on the quality of the hay that you have. Both can save you tons of money, and help improve the efficiency and productivity of your operation.
We also have many programs and events across the state, year-round that can be found under the “Resources and News” block. You can find links and information about the Southeastern Hay Contest, Silage Hybrid Trials, and more!
Find the new website here:
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with updates and events!
If you have any questions, please email the Forage Team at, or consult your local Extension agent.
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