According to the National Peanut Board, “since 2001 peanut farmers have invested more than $25.3 million of their own dollars into research and education about food and peanut allergies.”  A research summary, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, shared the results of a new experimental treatment evaluated on 362 toddlers with some level of peanut allergy.  A Peanut Patch stuck on the skin (Epicutaneous Immunotherapy) was developed for a one-year treatment of children ages 1-3 with some level allergic response to peanuts.  The study showed that 2/3 of the children in the trial were able to eat substantially more peanuts without reaction.  More research will have to be completed before this product can receive FDA approval, but these initial trail results are encouraging.  Watch the video to see the complete summary from this study.



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