This week’s featured video comes from John Deere’s YouTube channel made especially for kids, called John Deere Kids.  The tractor video I selected to highlight was one of the shorter ones, but the videos on this channel could be fun ways to share farming with kids in your family.  This channel has been around for two years, but I just stumbled across it.  It has quite a variety to choose from, with one option over an hour long.   Kids love videos and big equipment almost as much as adults do, so this is a fun way to introduce modern farming to a whole new generation of kids.  We need more young people in agriculture, so I think this is a great tool to introduce them to farming.  So, check out the video selection John Deere created, so the next time the grand-kids, nieces and nephews or other young people visit you can introduce them to modern farming equipment in action.


If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check out others from the video archives:  Friday Feature Archive

If you come across an interesting, inspiring, humorous or something new and innovative related to agriculture, please send in a link, so we can share it with our readers.  Use the share button from the YouTube or Facebook video you like and send the link via email to:  Doug Mayo

Doug Mayo
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