Florida Florida Bull Test Sale buyers at the 2024 Florida Bull Test Sale. Credit: Doug Mayo, UF/IFAS
The 25th Annual Florida Bull Test Sale, will be held at the North Florida Research and Education Center’s Beef Research Unit, on Saturday, January 18, 2025. The objective of this test is to evaluate the performance potential and breeding soundness of consigned bulls with the ultimate goal of increasing the genetic potential of beef cattle operations in the southeastern U.S. We completed the 25th Florida Bull Test with a record consignment of 142 bulls on test. Consignors who participate in the annual bull test have the option of offering their bulls for sale, but many are taken back home for breeding or future sale.
The Florida Bull Test Sale will be held at 12:30 PM Central Time, on January 18, 2025. 54 bulls have been consigned to the 2025 auction. The sale offering in 2025 includes 21 Angus, 17 SimAngus, 11 Simmental, 2 Red Angus, 2 Red Brangus, and 1 Charolais bulls. The actual number of bulls sold may vary, as all must pass a breeding soundness exam prior to sale. Sale catalogs can be mailed directly to you by request from Olivia by calling 850-526-1621 or can be viewed online by using the following link: 2025 Florida Bull Test Sale Catalog. Bulls purchased in person must be for paid via check, as there will not be a credit card reader at the venue.
Bulls will be available to preview at the Beef Unit the morning of the sale but will not be brought through the ring during the auction. Can’t make it to the sale in person? DVAuction will provide internet bidding service available through their website: DVAuction, Inc. The same videos that will be used during the auction are also viable for viewing in advance of the sale: 2025 FL Bull Test Sale Bull Videos. Be aware that an account with DVAuction must be created at least 24 hours prior to bidding by using the following link: Create DVAuction Account. If you have questions or issues, contact DVAuction directly @ 402-316-5460 or via email to support@dvauction.com.
2024-25 Florida Bull Test Summary
The Florida Bull Test consists of a 112-day performance test plus a breeding soundness evaluation on every bull that qualifies for the auction. When the 142 bulls consigned in 2024 arrived at the NFREC Feed Efficiency Facility (FEF), they were sorted into contemporary groups and then moved into pens where they were adapted to a soy hull and corn gluten-based diet for three weeks, before initiating the test. The bulls remained in the FEF for 56 days to collect intake data and were then relocated to 3.25-acre pastures for the remaining 56 days of the test, where they received the same diet. Animal performance, specifically average daily gain (ADG), was calculated using only the official starting and finishing test weights. Throughout the test, bulls were observed and screened for structural soundness and disposition. Bulls deemed to be structurally unsound or of poor disposition did not qualify for the sale.
In 2024, the 142 bulls had an overall ADG of 3.64 lb/day and ranged from 5.44 to 1.83 lbs per day. Average daily feed intake during the first 56 days of the test was 25.59 lb/day (on a dry matter basis) and average feed:gain ratio of 7.37 pounds of feed for every pound of gain. A significant portion of the test is the inclusion of feed efficiency of individual bulls. To rank the bulls on feed efficiency we use residual feed intake (RFI), which is the difference between actual feed intake and expected feed intake. The more negative the number, the more efficient the bull. During this bull test the RFI of bulls ranged from -5.58 to 7.94 lb/d. Therefore, the most efficient bull consumed 5.58 lb per day less feed than expected for his rate gain. This equates to 2,037 lbs per year less feed than that bull was expected to consume!
Our staff has worked hard to provide the best care possible for these bulls. We believe each bull has been given the chance to express his own genetic potential for performance and fertility. We look forward to visiting with you about the bulls either before or on sale day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Nico DiLorenzo, Tina Gwin, or David Thomas at 850-526-1621.
2025 Florida Bull Test Sale Catalog
Videos of the Bulls for Sale
Online Bidding through DVAuction
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