This week’s featured video was published by Madison Brown to highlight catfish farming.  In the video, Brown interviews Alabama catfish farmers, for her RFD-TV program called, “Chasing Down Madison Brown.”   She shares some highlights of the types of modern technology used for this very specialized type of farming.  Like other types of livestock production, catfish farming is basically feeding young fish to grow efficiently in a healthy environment to be harvested for high quality meat.  Watch the video to learn more about modern catfish farming in the Southeast.


If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check the other 300+ YouTube videos highlighted in the  Friday Feature Archive

If you come across an interesting, inspiring, humorous or innovative video related to agriculture, please send in a link, so we can share it with our readers.  Use the share button from the YouTube or Facebook video you like and send the link via email to:  Doug Mayo

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