
Dr. Pete Andersen talks about satsuma varieties at the Panhandle Satsuma Meeting in Marianna.

Thank you to all those who attended the Tri-State Cucurbit and Panhandle Satsuma Meetings held in Jackson County!  We had a great turnout at both meetings, and we even had some folks from as far away as Statesboro, GA.  Don’t fret if you were unable to attend one of these meetings, or if you attended and need a refresher.  Topics for the Cucurbit Meeting included Disease Management, Insect Management, and Research Updates.  Topics for the Satsuma Meeting included Variety Trials, Disease Management, and Nutrition.

The presentations and additional information are now available online!  Please visit the following webpages for more information.

Cucurbit Meeting Presentations and Handouts

Satsuma Meeting Presentations and Handouts

You can contact your local Extension Agent if you need additional information on these or other topics.


Matt Lollar