On Friday August 17th, 13 Innovative Farmers and Ranchers were recognized by University of Florida IFAS Extension and Farm Credit of Northwest Florida at the Jay Community Center in Santa Rosa County.  This is the second year these two organizations have teamed up to honor a selection of the most innovative farmers in the Florida Panhandle.

The purpose of the Agriculture Innovator Recognition Program is to annually recognize innovative farmers and ranchers from 16 Florida Panhandle counties, from Jefferson west to Escambia County.  In 2012, County Agriculture Extension Agents from 13 counties selected an Agricultural Innovator to recognize from each of the counties where they serve.  Doug Mayo, Jackson County Extension Director who chaired this year’s event, said “County Agents in the Panhandle honored their brightest farmers at the awards luncheon.   We hope that bringing these top-notch farmers all together in one place will help stimulate future innovation.  Highlighting these creative and successful farmers will also help increase awareness of the diversity and innovation of today’s modern agriculture located right here in our area.”

Calhoun County Extension Director, Judy Ludlow (left), presenting the award to Rodger and Marcia Price (right).

 Rodger and Marcia Price, of Altha, FL, were recognized as Calhoun County’s Agricultural Innovator for 2012.  To read more about the Price Family and Harmony Farm click here.

Gulf County Extension Director, Roy Carter (left), presenting the award to Mark Godwin (right).

Mark Godwin, of Port St. Joe, FL, was recognized as Gulf County’s Agricultural Innovator for 2012.  To read more about Mark and Gulf American Shrimp, LLC. click here.

Over the next several weeks Panhandle Ag e-News will feature each of the NW Florida Innovators from Escambia county to Jefferson County.

Agricultural Innovators highlighted in previous issues:

Larry Ford, Jackson County

Mark Casson, Escambia County

Bruce Holland, Santa Rosa County

James and Nick Marshall, Okaloosa County

Donnie Richardson, Walton County

Renee Savary, Holmes County

Byron Biddle, Washington County