Timber Mart-South Summary, 3rd Quarter, 2012

The information in the following table was extracted from the Timber Mart-South third quarter 2012 report, released in October 2012. This information, compiled from many sources, is very useful for observing trends over time, but may not necessarily reflect current conditions at a particular location. In addition to general market conditions, prices vary from sale to sale depending on tract size and access; quality, quantity, and size of timber; distance to mills; and other market conditions. Landowners considering a timber sale would be wise to let a consulting forester help them obtain the best current prices.

Statewide Average Stumpage Prices, 2012, 3rd Quarter




Pine Pulpwood
($/Std. Cord)

$ 30

$ 11

($/Std. Cord)

$ 47

$ 17

Pine Sawtimber
($/MBF Scrib.)


$ 25

Oak Sawtimber
($/MBF Doyle)


$ 17

Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber
($/MBF Doyle)


$ 14

Pine Plylogs
($/MBF Scrib.)


$ 28

Power Poles
($/MBF Scrib.)


$ 54

Hardwood Pulp
($/Std. Cord)

$ 15

$ 5

Timber Mart-South is compiled and produced at the Center for Forest Business, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, under contract with the Frank W. Norris Foundation, a non-profit corporation serving the forest products industry. See http://www.tmart-south.com/ for information on subscriptions.

Doug Mayo
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