This week’s featured video was produced by American Farm Bureau to highlight the 2024 Farm Dog of the Year.  Skippy, owned by Georgia Farm Bureau members Donald and Laura Adams, was selected as this year’s winner.  Donald was the victim of a serious farm accident that made walking, much less moving cows around a challenge.  Watch the video to hear this heartwarming story of how a dog helped a disabled farmer stay in the cattle business.

Donald and Laura Adams, owners of the 2024 Farm Bureau Farm Dog of the Year, won $5,000, 2 registrations to the national convention, and a year’s worth of Purina dog food. The Adams were recognized at a Farm Dog of the Year award ceremony, at the American Farm Bureau Federation Convention, Salt Lake City Utah. Three regional runners-up were also recognized, with each winning $1,000 in prize money.  If you are interested in entering a farm dog entry for 2025, you may to look through the rules from last year’s contest:  2024 Farm Dog of the Year Contest Official Rules.


If you enjoyed this video, you might want to check out others from the video archives:  Friday Feature Archive

If you come across an interesting, inspiring, humorous or innovative video related to agriculture, please send in a link, so we can share it with our readers.  Use the share button from the YouTube or Facebook video you like and send the link via email to:  Doug Mayo

Doug Mayo
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