Rain Impacts Holmes County Agriculture

Farmers in Holmes County are facing some real challenges in getting the 2014 crop planted due to excessive rainfall. Over the last two weeks, more than  21 inches of rain has fallen, bringing field preparation and planting of peanuts and cotton to a complete stand...
Large Carpenter Bee Management and Control

Large Carpenter Bee Management and Control

Every year beginning in mid-March to early-April, Extension Agents begin to receive inquiries about managing carpenter bees which are attacking barns, eaves, rafters, and other wooden structures.  The bee most commonly responsible for economic damages is typically the...
Andy Andreasen Receives UF Alumni Award of Distinction

Andy Andreasen Receives UF Alumni Award of Distinction

  Congratulations to Andy Andreasen on being selected as a 2013 recipient of the UF College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Award of Distinction! The CALS Alumni and Friends Award of Distinction is presented to UF/CALS alumni or friends in recognition of...

Peanut Maturity Determination

As we head into August, it is not too early to begin pulling samples of peanuts to determine optimum harvest dates.  With the erratic and wet growing season that we have had thus far in our peanut fields, determination of when to harvest is going to be a vitally...

Calibration of Pesticide Applicators: Boom Sprayers

Now is a good time to calibrate your boom sprayers as you head into the new crop season.  Calibration is not a difficult process if you understand a few principles of calibration.  It is important to calibrate your pesticide applicators on a regular basis to ensure...