by Doug Mayo | Aug 25, 2023
This past week, at the National County Agricultural Agent Association Conference in Iowa, I attended a training provided by Merck Animal Health where they discussed products that have recently been released by the company. One of the products discussed was Banamine...
by Doug Mayo | Aug 4, 2023
Rainfall July was a hot month with near average rainfall for much of the Panhandle. In the map above to the left, you see the estimated rainfall throughout the state of Florida. Most of the Panhandle was in the 4-6″ range (gold) or the 6-8″ range (light...
by Doug Mayo | Aug 4, 2023
This week’s featured video, published by FieldView (Digital Farming Software Platform), is a documentary that follows an Iowa corn & soybean farmer through one growing season. Check out the 24-minute video that shares the highlights of a single crop year...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 28, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by Prairie Public Television to share the history of the Bobcat Loader. Two ingenious brothers, Cyril and Louis Keller, grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota. Their father usually repaired broken machinery parts rather...
by Doug Mayo | Jul 21, 2023
This week’s featured video was published by the University of Florida’s Animal Science Department to share time-lapse video of early development of a bovine embryo. Researchers at the University of Florida are studying embryo development to learn ways to...