Harvest Time – Recapping the 2024 Cropping Season

Harvest Time – Recapping the 2024 Cropping Season

Another year has almost come and gone for Central Panhandle (Jackson, Calhoun, Washington, and Holmes County) farmers.  Peanuts and cotton planted back in April and May have reached maturity and have mostly been harvested.  So, with the end of the season upon us,...
Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

Be on the Lookout for White Mold in Peanuts

In scouting peanut fields over the last week, things mostly look good!  Fields have recovered from an excessively hot, dry June, plants have lapped, or nearly lapped the row middles, and weeds are mostly cleaned up.  However, of immediate concern is the emergence of...
Adding Soft Mast Trees to Your Wildlife Food Plots

Adding Soft Mast Trees to Your Wildlife Food Plots

I haven’t yet met a hunter that didn’t want to improve his/her hunting situation and attract more deer.  Over the last couple of years, I have written about several strategies Panhandle hunters can adopt to accomplish just that – namely planting warm season forages...