Opportunities and Challenges of Alfalfa Production in North Florida

J. Dubeux, Jr. and A. Blount, University of Florida/IFAS – North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC), 3925 Highway 71, Marianna, FL P. Munoz, University of Florida/IFAS – Agronomy Department, Gainesville, FL. Florida has approximately 119,000 dairy cows and...

Integrating Perennial Peanut into Grass Pastures

Jose Dubeux, University of Florida/IFAS – North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) Rhizoma peanut (commonly known as perennial peanut) is a warm-season perennial legume well adapted to Florida. It has high digestibility (65-75%) and crude protein...

Grazing Management is Key for Profitable Livestock Production

Jose Dubeux, , University of Florida/IFAS – North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) Pastures are different than hay fields or row crops. The final product is not the crop per se, but the animal gain obtained from grazing it. As a result, livestock need to...

Start Preparing for Winter Pastures

Jose Dubeux – NFREC Forage Management Spcialist  dubeux@ufl.edu Cool-season forages are a viable option for North Florida. They extend the grazing season by providing high quality forage to enhance livestock performance. There are many options available, including...
Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Grazing Management Can Improve Pasture Fertility

Jose Dubeux – UF/IFAS NFREC Forage Management Specialist Introduction-How much of the nutrients cattle consume are recycled back to the pasture? Livestock consume nutrients contained in forages and feeds and return most of them to the pasture in their waste in the...