Plant Bugs Terrorize Tomatoes

Neither heat, nor drought, or seldom pesticides will keep the leaf footed plant bug off your tomatoes and other vegetables. This insect sucks juices from your fruit or vegetable leaving light colored marks on your fruit caused by cell distortion. Both nymphs and...

Washington County Update

The ample rains last week made a big difference towards improving the overall crop condition. Pasture conditions continue to improve with the availability of additional moisture. Field work is active and back on schedule for late June. Growers are taking advantage of...

Additional Rains Improve Washington County Situation

Rains over the past week have greatly improved crop and pasture conditions in Washington County.  The watermelon, sweet corn, and vegetable harvests are proceeding at a rapid pace. Peanuts and cotton are responding well to recent rains. Cattle conditions are improving...

Horse Nettle Blooming in Wakulla County

Delicate flowers disguise the potential problems of Horsenettle. The dainty yellow and white flowers belie the disaster potential of the plants. Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense) are blooming and producing fruit in Wakulla County. Horsenettle can be a serious weed...