Fall Armyworms Already Active in Adjacent States

Fall Armyworms have been reported in adjacent state’s hayfields.  Several counties in the black-belt of south Alabama, south Georgia, and the coastal bend of Texas have all seen activity in Spring 2012. Reports from east Texas indicate the worms are out in unusually...

Camphor Shot Borers Show Up In North Florida

  When a Jefferson County Master Gardener displayed a plastic 2.5 gallon gasoline container peppered with round holes, it initially was a mystery. But the black spots turned out to be invasive beetles, Camphor Shot Borer beetles to be exact. Additional reports...

Washington County Update

    Above normal temperatures and no rain is drying out topsoil at a rapid pace. Over 80 percent of Washington County corn is planted and up. Some watermelons have runners 24 to 30 inches long. Lack of soil moisture is stopping field preparation for planting cotton...